Monday, September 3, 2018

A final goodbye, running from a hurricane, a grandson turns 6 years old

So this is my traditional "Labor Day vacation" week; a tradition since September 6, 2012 when our firstborn grandson entered the world.  Incredibly hard for me to believe that Calvin is turning six on Thursday and we will be there to celebrate, having never missed his birthday!  Ironically, last year we were busy visiting for Calvin's 5th birthday when our return trip home had to endure a major detour due to some hurricane event then.  This year it's the trip up that will be impacted by potential hurricane Gordon.

So after an incredibly slow hurricane season for the southeast United States we now have a real threat somewhere near us.  Latest models predict a landfall somewhere between Gulfport and Biloxi Mississippi.  By the way, that is way to close for comfort.  Schools are already shut down, panic ensues, New Orleans wonders if the city can handle the possible rain event, and this is for either a strong tropical storm or at worst, a category 1 storm.  All things have changed since Katrina, any storm that gets a name from the powers that be is grounds for some anxiety and a bit of a panic.

For Wendy and I our detour will come, in part, because we want to say a final goodbye to our old Jaycee friend Alan Detillier, who was the 50th state President of the Louisiana Jaycees.  Since the funeral is over in the River Parish region between New Orleans and Baton Rouge, we need to be smart about our route to North Carolina as a storm converges on areas we normally travel.  So after attending the funeral of a friend gone too soon, we will go north through Hammond and Jackson, Ms. before we head east, hopefully avoiding bad rain and after effects of an unwelcome guest named Gordon.

And then, of course, the highlight of our week, to be there as Calvin celebrates birthday #6!!

Meanwhile all please stay safe.

Alan, we love you buddy, rest in peace.

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