Sunday, April 19, 2020

The doors were locked for fear...

This morning I needed to run a few errands with all kinds of precautions, mask, gloves, sanitizer, loaded up on Vitamin C.  By the way, and this has nothing to do with anything, Vitamin C is gone pecan from all the shelves at my local Walgreens, just FYI.  Now, back to the point; as I was driving, I tuned into Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, presided by Cardinal Timothy Dolan.

The Cardinal delivered the homily and said something that really caught my full attention; I only wished I could have pulled over and taken some notes.  He began with the words above, taken from today's Gospel: the doors were locked for fear of the Jews.  Now we know the story; it's the first day of the week and the reports everywhere is the body of Jesus is not in the tomb.  Some say Jesus indeed is risen, most say the disciples must have stolen and hidden the body.  So why were the disciples afraid to the point of locking the doors?  Certainly, as the followers of Jesus, they thought they would be next; if crucifixion was the sentence pronounced on Jesus, why would they not be targeted for the same fate?  They would have also feared retaliation not only from the Roman officials but from the Jews, especially the same leaders who whipped up the crowd to kill Jesus.  Perhaps they were in fear because Jesus indeed may have risen and would be angry with them for abandoning him both in the garden and at Calvary.  In any event, they were in fear and behind lock doors.

Cardinal Dolan went on to remind us that the locked doors could not withhold the risen Jesus.  He appears to the disciples despite the doors being locked.  And he brought to the disciples hope, joy, strength and peace.  But of course, we know that one of them, Thomas, is not there.  Thomas doubts.  Yet one week later, with Thomas present, Jesus again appears as locked doors could not stop Him from entering.  And the doubt of the Apostle Thomas could not, would not stop Jesus either.  Jesus fully enters not only the room, but He enters into Thomas' doubt.  No criticism, no I told you so, no belittling, but He guided Thomas to touch and see and believe.

During this Coronavirus crisis, during this time when public masses are not possible, during this time of uncertainty and even fear, Jesus enters in, he cannot be stopped by our isolation, quarantines, medical diagnosis, our fear and our uncertainty.  Covid19 can not prevent Him from entering.  Our collective doors might be locked, but Jesus is not locked out.  Our doubts might seem to lock Jesus out, but Jesus is not locked out.

In fact, during this time of pandemic, Jesus is truly with us.  He comes to us.  He does not stand back still He will not intrude.  Jesus is ready for us, no matter the challenges we experience here on earth, and will be there no matter the obstacle.  So we are called to unlock the doors of our hearts and our lives to let Jesus in, the same Jesus who wants to be with us, wants to dwell with us, wants to heal us and wants to help our disbelief.

Then, may we like Thomas, boldly proclaim, my Lord and my God.

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