Monday, December 9, 2019

Ukraine even top of mind with the Pope and the Vatican

Vatican Media Screenshot

Pope Prays for Success of Upcoming Ukraine Discussions

Summit Scheduled for Monday, December 9, 2019

Pope Francis on December 8, 2019, prayer for the fruitfulness of the peace summit scheduled for December 9 in Paris to consider a solution to the conflict ongoing in Eastern Ukraine.
“Being held tomorrow in Paris will be a meeting of the Presidents of Ukraine, Russia, and France, and of the Federal Chancellor of Germany — known as ‘Normandy Format’ — to seek solutions to the painful conflict underway now for years in Eastern Ukraine,” the Holy Father said. “I accompany the meeting with prayer, with an intense prayer, because peace is needed there, and I invite you to do the same so that this initiative of political dialogue will contribute to bear fruits of peace in justice to that territory and to its population.”
The Pope’s remarks came after praying the noonday Angelus with the crowd of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square.

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