Thursday, October 10, 2019

How the Synod will proceed

Synod © Vatican Media

‘Circoli Minori’ Begin at Synod of Bishops on the Amazon

Explained During Briefing at Holy See Press Office

The Circoli Minori, minor circles of the different language groups, have begun meeting,
This was at today’s briefing in the Holy See Press Office, Oct. 10, following the sixth General Congregation of the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for the Pan-Amazonian Region yesterday, and which was followed by the minor circles meeting together this morning.
The Synod is taking place Oct. 6-27, 2019, on the theme “Amazonia: new paths for the Church and for an integral ecology.”
Also speaking was Bishop Wilmar Santin, O. Carm., bishop-prelate of Itaituba, Brazil; Bishop Medardo de Jesús Henao Del Rio, M.X.Y., vicar apostolic of Mitú, titular of Case mediane, Colombia; Sr. Gloria Liliana Franco Echeverri, O.D.N., president of the Latin American Confederation of Religious (C.I.A.R.), Colombia; Dr. Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communications; and Father Giacomo Costa, SI, Secretary of the Information Commission. The briefing was moderated by the Deputy Director of the Holy See Press Office, Cristiane Murray.
The work of the minor circles will continue tomorrow; the General Congregations will resume on Saturday, October 12, reported at midday today in a press conference Father Giacomo Costa, Secretary of the Synod’s Communications Commission.
The first set of interventions in the General Congregations ended yesterday, Wednesday, October 9, pointed out Paolo Ruffini, Prefect of the Dicastery of Communication. Among those that intervened yesterday was the Holy Father, who “according to the Synodal methodology, shared to a degree what touched him most of the contributions, the points that made him reflect and that he wished to share,” said the Prefect of the Dicastery of Communication.
The Minor Circles are divided by language made up of five groups in Spanish, four in Portuguese, two in Italian and one in English and French, detailed the Press Office.
In the light of the presentations made in the first phase, the Synod’s General Rapporteur prepared a series of questions (gathered in the “post disceptationem” report) which will be debated during the second phase, when all the Synod’s members are divided in groups, called Minor Circles (Circuli Minori), according to the different languages.
Each group’s report will be read later in a Plenary Assembly. On this occasion, the Synodal Fathers will be able to request clarifications on topics presented and make their comments.
The groups are articulating their points of view today, October 10, and tomorrow, Friday, October 11, said Father Giacomo Costa. The General Congregations will resume on Saturday until Tuesday, October 15. It will be “another phase of public interventions, after working, exchanging, and sharing in the groups.” On the 16th and 17th, they will return to the Minor Circles and, on the 17th, there will be work in groups.
As opposed to the previous Synod, “this time there will be only one report from each group” (Minor Circles), which will be handed in on the afternoon of October 17, explained Father Costa. The last week will be dedicated to receiving and discussing the Final Document’s plan and, finally, it will be voted on Saturday the 26th, concluding the Assembly, which will close on Sunday the 27th.
The Holy See Press Office published the list of Moderators and Rapporteurs of the Minor Circles, which is published below:
Who Composes the Minor Circles (Courtesy of the Holy See Press Office)
Moderator: His Excellency Rev. Mgr. Flavio GIOVENALE, SDB
ITALIAN CIRCLE “B” Speaker: His Eminence Rev. Msgr. Filippo SANTORO
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Card. Luis F. LADARIA FERRER, YES CIRCLE
PORTUGUESE “A” Speaker: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Neri J. TONDELLO
Moderator: His Excellency Rev. Mgr Jesús M. CIZAURRE BERDONCES, OAR CIRCLE
PORTUGUESE “B” Speaker: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Evaristo P. SPENGLER, OFM
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Pedro BRITO GUIMARÂES
CIRCOLO PORTUGUESE “C” Speaker:His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Vilsom BASSO, SCJ
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. José B. DA SILVA
CIRCLE PORTUGUESE “D” Speaker: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Wilmar SANTIN, O. Carm.
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Msgr. Alberto TAVEIRA CORRÊA
CIRCOLO SPANISH “A” Speaker: His Eminence Rev. Most Rev. José L. AZUAJE AYALA
Moderator: His Most Rev. Cardinal Carlos AGUIAR RETES
CIRCOLO SPANISH B Rapporteur: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Francisco J. MÚNERA CORREA, IMC
Moderator: His Excellency Rev. Mgr. Edmundo Fr. VALENZUELA MELLID, SDB
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Jonny E. REYES SEQUERA, SDB
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Mgr. Omar de Jesús MEJÍA GIRALDO
CIRCOLO SPANISH Speaker: His Excellency Mons. José J. TRAVIESO MARTÍN, CMF
Moderator: His Rev. Card. Oscar A. RODRÍGUEZ MARADIAGA, SDB
CIRCOLO ENGLISH/ FRANÇAIS: Speaker: His Eminence Rev.Mgr. Emmanuel LAFONT
Moderator: His Eminence Rev. Card. HOLLERICH, SI Jean-Claude

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