Tuesday, February 5, 2019

How great is this: a New Orleans Permanent Deacon goes to elementary school to explain Permanent Deacons!!

Special ‘show-and-tell’ at Stuart Hall puts spotlight on diaconate

By Beth Donze, Kids’ Clarion
Deacon Daniel Flynn, a permanent deacon at St. Rita Church in Harahan, paid a special visit to first graders class at Stuart Hall School for Boys. Deacon Danny, the grandfather of Stuart Hall first grader Paxton Flynn, spoke to the children about what it means to be part of the clergy, the preparation involved in becoming a deacon and told them about his 1991 ordination to the diaconate. He also explained what the deacon does at Mass; how he officiates at baptisms, weddings and funerals; and how permanent deacons differ from a transitional deacons – and how the responsibilities of both types of deacons differ from those of priests.

Deacon Danny, assisted by his grandson – Stuart Hall first grader Paxton Flynn – shows the class his diaconate certificate, the invitation to his 1991 ordination Mass and a photo from the Mass. The sacrament of Holy Orders was conferred upon Deacon Danny by the late Archbishop of New Orleans, Francis Schulte, at St. Louis Cathedral. 

Deacon Danny displays the green vestments he wears at Mass during Ordinary Time, the weeks in the liturgical year in which Catholics grow in their faith (green represents new life). At right, he dons the vestments and his black biretta (hat) for the students. (Photos courtesy of Stuart Hall)

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