Tuesday, February 5, 2019

And just like that, the lights went out, and, farewell Deacon Richard

This is one of those cathartic posts; believing it will help me writing it perhaps more than you will enjoy reading it!  I do these quite often.  Let me recap by reminding all that since I've gotten off that cruise ship I have battled what is now a diagnosed sinus infection.  However, despite a steroid shot and an antibiotic I've really not rebounded as I hoped.  Now in addition to being "sick" I've been busy too.  I had missed no work other than to go to the doctor and then had an extremely busy weekend; Benediction on Friday night, followed by 4 masses, from Saturday afternoon until Sunday night, with blessings of the throats and Sunday morning coffee and donuts with the flock.  And as Monday dawned not only would I have a Monday back to work day but also a farewell to a dear friend, a great Deacon, Richard Calkins.  I attended his funeral mass along with maybe 70 additional deacons, a dozen priests and not one but three Archbishops.  And a packed house too with may friends and parishioners attending along with Richard's beloved family including wife June.  Richard was one of my early contacts, he and June actually interviewed me and Wendy during our application period, remained close and was a very frequent visitor at the bank where I work located just a few blocks from his home.  I will miss those visits.  Farewell Deacon Richard!

When I got back to work I was done.  Have you ever gone to work just praying the minutes would pass quickly because you just don't know if you can make it to the end.  I managed to make it until a little after 4 and that was it.  When I got home I decided to lay down and that my friends is when the lights went out.  From 4:45 until sometime early this morning all I did was sleep.  Wendy assures me I just needed the rest but I am indeed shocked at my deep sleep.  So today I have decided to stay at home, dose up on more Vitamin C and rest and hopefully mend.  Trust me, I never do what I did last night, I never even get 8 hours sleep let alone about 14, never.  And I am glad I was able to sleep.

So I will stay home today and do my best to get better.  Maybe another post soon to let you know how it's going!

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