Sunday, August 22, 2010

Of family, friends and faith

On this kind of stormy Sunday night, as August begins to fade, I'm reflecting on family, friends and faith. Tomorrow my youngest child, the world traveler who spent most of her summer in Europe, begins college classes again this time as a college senior. It seems not so long ago we were going through the start of high school senior year and now here we are. And yes, some time this fall we will begin looking at some graduate school possibilities for her. Our oldest son is now a married man for 3 months. Again, seems like we were just on the way to North Carolina to begin the festivities. One of the personal effects of the BP Oil Spill deprived us a chance to visit with him as he always comes home for the Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo, cancelled this year because of the tragedy.

Last week we had a chance to meet up with my sisters, their spouses and children and my aunt for dinner. This is just about all that remains from my side of the family, particularly my mother's half. When we gather it is usually dominated by hectic conversation of catching up on all things since last we met. On my wife's side of the ledger we are continuing to give thanks as my mother-in-law shows good progress from her mid-July health scare.

This week brings the return home of dear friends who vacationed in the Tennessee hills. These folks are the type that just give you all that they have and never complain. I can't wait to see them. And they always take good care of me especially cooking for me at leaast once a week between my hectic schedule. I'm also excited as another dear friend has been able to meet me for lunch again weekly and another friendship, a really old one, that has been rekindled in recent years, especially lately. And I've been praying for another good friend who is going through some health issues of his own.

My faith has really helped deepen for me the need to serve others. As a Deacon it is so easy to get all wound up in ministry and keep doing and doing. Now there is nothing wrong with this at all. But every now and then, it is so important to stop, rekindle friendships, visit with family and enjoy the company of those closest to us. And when I am with my family and friends it is my hope that the ministry I so love and the personal relationship I have with Christ is evident when we are together.

So as I pray for family and friends I encourage all of us to do likewise. Lift them to the Lord and ask that He protect them and guide them and keep them in His loving care!

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