Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Time to get back in the groove

June is now underway and for our family, the end to an amazing week which took us to North Carolina for our sons wedding. Our oldest, Jimmy is now honeymooning with his bride Sara as they began a lifelong journey together in the Greensboro area. My wife and I are trying to "return to normal" after our 1st experience of being the parents of the groom. Needless to say the past week was special, full of wonderful memories and our return home yesterday.

I am very ready to get back in the groove. The events of seeing your only son getting married, and the very successful life he has built in his career, now his family life and all the friends he has made makes it easy on mom & dad. Even though he lives 12 hours away, we can relax knowing he is doing so well and so happy. And totally unrelated to the wedding is the event we witnessed yesterday as we were just 1 hour from home. A horrible car accident on 1-10 occured just 4 or 5 car lengths in front of us resulting in two totalled vehicles and serious injuries. I stopped and helped the man in the truck, who flipped 7 times. He appeared to suffer no life threatening injuries but I do not believe the same is true for the other vehicle. I don't know what happened to her as we left the scene but she was unresponsive and had a faint pulse. I'll be praying for all involved.

So what do the totally unrelated events of a joyful wedding and the sight of a horrible incident have to do with getting in the groove? What I think it means is live life. And live the life God asks of you.

A couple of weeks ago I shared the story of being hit by lightning and why did this happen? I wonder today why was I not hit by that car and why was I on the scene to help, even if just a little bit? I don't know these answers; I do know that each of us has a purpose and we should live our lives fully!

So I'm ready to get back in the groove. Tonight, its prison ministry and tomorrow its back to work. And it's time to live with the same enthusiasm as I witnessed last week from my own son and to live fully dependent on God's providential care because life can change in the blink of an eye, like I witnessed yesterday.

Can't wait to keep updating all of you on my everyday experiences as a husband, father and Deacon!

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