Thursday, September 5, 2024

Pope Francis thanks the Indonesian faithful for their welcome and faith


Pope Francis amid the faithful for the Holy Mass in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta, IndonesiaPope Francis amid the faithful for the Holy Mass in Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Jakarta, Indonesia  (Vatican Media)

Pope Francis to Indonesia: Thanks for your superb welcome and faith

At the conclusion of his Mass for the faithful of Indonesia, Pope Francis thanks the Church in the nation for their faith and fraternity.

By Deborah Castellano Lubov

"May God bless you and make you grow and persevere in peace and fraternal love!"

This was the heartfelt wish Pope Francis offered the Church in the country of Indonesia at the conclusion of the Holy Mass for the faithful on Thursday.

Catholics in the country make up about 3 percent of the population, numbering around 8 million.

Addressing those gathered in Jakarta's Gelora Bung Karno Stadium, the Pope thanked Cardinal Ignatius Suharyo Hardjoatmodjo, Archbishop of Jakarta, as well as the President of the Bishops’ Conference and the other Bishops of the Church in Indonesia.

He expressed his appreciation for the service of the country's priests and deacons, who, he said, "serve the holy people of God in this great country."

The Pope also thanked the consecrated men and women, all the volunteers, and, "with great affection, the elderly, sick, and suffering who have been praying for us."

"My visit among you is drawing to an end, and I wish to express my joyful gratitude for the superb welcome that I have received," he said.

Renewing his gratitude to the President of the Republic, civil authorities and security services, the Holy Father expressed his appreciation to the entire Indonesian people.

“I likewise express my appreciation to the entire Indonesian people.”

"Dear brothers and sisters," Pope Francis concluded, "may God bless you and make you grow and persevere in peace and fraternal love!"

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