Friday, September 6, 2024

Pope Francis meets with Governor-General of Papua New Guinea


Sir Bob Bofeng Dadae gives Pope Francis a gift during their visitSir Bob Bofeng Dadae gives Pope Francis a gift during their visit  (Vatican Media)

Governor-General of Papua New Guinea warmly greets Pope Francis

Welcoming Pope Francis at his residence, Sir Francis Sir Bob Bofeng Dada, Governor General of Papua New Guinea, and praises the Catholic Church’s advocacy for peace, justice, human rights, and action against climate change.

By Lisa Zengarini

Before heading to the Apec Haus in Port Moresby to meet with civil authorities, Pope Francis paid a courtesy visit to Papua New Guinea’s Governor-General, Sir Bob Bofeng Dada, at the Government House in the capital’s suburb of Konedobu.

In his greeting speech, the Governor warmly welcomed the Pope on behalf of the government and people of Papua New Guinea, emphasizing the historical and spiritual significance of the visit.

Recalling that the Catholic Church’s presence in the country dates back to the mid-19th century, he recognized its pivotal role in education, health, and spiritual care in the country and its ongoing efforts to bring education and health services to its most remote areas.

Church's advocacy for human rights and for climate change action

Sir Bofeng Dada also praised the Church’s advocacy for peace, justice, respect for human dignity and gender equality and its call for global action to address climate change, which has a severe impact on Papuan remote islands.

He further highlighted the government’s partnership with the Church, particularly in providing funding support and integrating Church workers into the government payroll system, signifying a deep commitment to the Church-State collaboration in Papua New Guinea.

The Governor-General concluded by saying that the Pope’s visit will leave a lasting spiritual impact on the Papuan people, and asked for his prayers the country’s leaders and people to strengthen their faith in the face of global challenges.

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