Sunday, October 8, 2023

How did I miss this; today is Deacon Sunday


“Deacon Sunday”

Celebrated: 2nd Sunday in October  

Deacons deserve much affirmation for their tireless work, proclaiming the word of God, giving homilies, performing baptisms, and witnessing marriages, among other responsibilities. These selfless servants are fully ordained clergy, reporting directly to the bishop.

During the 2021 calendar year, 458 new permanent deacons were ordained in US arch/dioceses. At the same time, 512 deacons retired from active ministry, and another 393 deacons died. “As is the case with priests in the United States, there are not enough new permanent deacons being ordained to make up for the numbers who are retiring from active ministry and dying each year,” the CARA report said.

What do deacons do:

  • Proclaim the Gospel
  • Baptize
  • Witness marriages
  • Perform funeral and burial services outside of the Eucharist
  • Distribute Holy Communion
  • Preach the homily
  • Visit the sick
  • Teach the faith
  • Provide counsel for couples and individuals
  • Work on parish committees
  • Advise and assist pastors
  • Work in service ministries like food banks, hospitals, prisons and nursing homes to name a few


St. Stephen, Patron of Deacons and Altar Servers

St. Lawrence, Patron of Deacons

St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Patron of Clergy

A prayer for deacons:

O Christ, You are the source of all ministry in the Church. In response to the needs of the People of God, through the laying on of hands and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, You have called forth and ordained deacons as servants for our Church.

Continue to sustain those You have called to this ministry so they remain ardent servants with gentle hearts, proclaiming the Gospel and serving at Your Holy table.

Help them reflect the real and true presence of Christ, the Deacon, to the needy among us. We also give thanks for those who accompany these men in their journey of service—their wives and families, their parish communities, and all those who call them to respond in faith, hope, and love.

Loving Savior, continue to help Your Church affirm our deacons in their service. Together as one family of faith, may all that we say and do give honor and glory to You and draw others ever closer to Your Sacred Heart. Amen.

Prayer by Most Rev. Douglas Lucia, bishop of Syracuse, NY

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