FOX News Contributor Jonathan Morris was a Catholic priest for 17 years, from 2002 to 2019.

The last ten of those years, serving in New York City, he says he struggled with not wanting to be a priest anymore.

After taking a break for a few months, he decided to leave with the permission of Pope Francis.

Since then, he has gotten married and has become a father.

Recently on the FOX News Rundown, Jonathan Morris joined host Chris Foster to discuss his journey from priesthood and fatherhood and how the faith of many people has been tested since the beginning of the pandemic.

Morris also discussed the state of the Catholic church in America, and what changes he thinks could be made to improve it.

Due to time limitations, we could not include all of the interview in our original segment. On the FOX News Rundown Extra, you will hear our entire conversation with FOX News Contributor Jonathan Morris and hear him open up even more about family and faith.

Here is the link so you can access the audio interview...FOX News Rundown EXTRA: From The Priesthood to Fatherhood | FOX News Rundown