Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Spanish Bishop gets married; also gets excommunicated


Catholic Diocese in Spain Releases that the Married Bishop Novell has Lost Authority and Incurred Suspension "latae sententiae" 


As is public and notorious, Mons. Xavier Novell i Gomà, Bishop Emeritus of Solsona, has contracted a civil marriage with Mrs. Sílvia Caballol i Clemente, dated November 22, 2021 in the town of Súria, in the province of Barcelona. In view of this serious fact, it should be noted that Canon 1394.1 of the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church stipulates that "the clergyman who attempts marriage, even if only civilly, incurs suspension latae sententiae ." 

 Therefore, from the very moment that Mons. Xavier Novell i Gomà contracted a civil marriage, the consequence foreseen in the canon mentioned above took place automatically. That is to say, that all acts of the power of order, the acts of the power of government and the exercise of all the rights and functions inherent in the episcopal office are forbidden to him (cf. c. 1333.1), without excluding other possible consequences that could be followed canonically. This means that Mons. Xavier Novell i Gomà, while maintaining his status as bishop, cannot perform any of the functions that derive from such status; among others, the administration of the sacraments and any teaching activity, both in public and in private, is prohibited.

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