Thursday, December 9, 2021

Cardinal Muller opines on questionable assertions in Traditionis Custodes


Card. Müller on Traditionis custodes: “questionable assertions and evaluations in content and form”

I received an interesting press release today which points to a serious problem that arises from the incoherent and intentionally cruel Traditionis custodes, the legacy document of Francis, his Plessy v. Ferguson.

My emphases:

Cardinal Müller criticizes restriction of the Traditional Roman Liturgy

Bad Schmiedeberg/Campos/Rom, 9.12.2021. The Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Gerhard L. Cardinal Müller, has criticized Pope Francis’ motu proprio Traditionis custodes.

According to Müller, the document contains “questionable assertions and evaluations in content and form.” Consequently, he said, “there is no rupture between the previous tradition up to the Council of Trent, Vatican I, and Vatican II.” With the document, the Pope has severely restricted the use of the form of the liturgy as it had been in use before the Second Vatican Council and allowed again by Benedict XVI.

The former curia cardinal points out that ecclesiastical authority does a disservice to the Church with “with rigid insistence on blind obedience, which contradicts the reason of the Christian faith and the freedom of a Christian.”

Criticism of the style of office of individual Popes or bishops and of the technical-theological quality of their decisions and texts is thus not in conflict with “the unbreakable loyalty of a true Catholic to the Pope and the Bishops,” the cardinal said in the preface to the German edition of “Tradition and Living Magisterium” by Brazilian Bishop Fernando Arêas Rifan.

The most urgent task of the pope and all bishops today, he said, is “to overcome the senseless opposition and power struggle of so-called traditionalists and progressives and, instead of pouring oil on fire, to prove themselves mediators of peace and servants of unity in the Church.”

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