Friday, October 23, 2020

A good explanation of atonement on this somber day in the Archdiocese of New Orleans


Let us pray! A reflection on "Atonement"
Atonement –“at-one-ment” –comes through Jesus Christ. Through Him, in his loving act of sacrifice, we receive the gift of reconciliation with God and one another.

Reconciliation through atonement –the unity of men and women with God and with one another –is pure gift from God, not earned by us.
We are invited to respond to this grace and show gratitude for God’s work in Christ by renouncing whatever is the source of pride and sin, so that the harmony of creation may be restored.

As a Church we are called to move forward in God’s loving embrace. The Church can do so only by seeking pardon for the sins of her past that grew out of pride.

Christ stretched out His arms on the cross and reconciled us to one another and to the Father. He brought God and humanity together in His body. As the Good Shepherd, he wraps His arms around our broken lives and restores us to the harmony that exists in His love.

(source: Archdiocese of Milwaukee)

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