When everybody keeps retreating…but you can’t seem to get enough
Let my love open the door…let my love open the door…let my love open the door
To your heart!
So now I have Pete Townshed helping with my homilies thanks to the Holy Spirit!
You know we can’t open anything without a key. Some things we unlock are physical things, like doors and closets, jewelry boxes and safes, the ignition of our automobiles and trucks. These things take keys. Many of us have key rings that just can’t handle one more key. Some times we must unlock things with codes or passwords, computers and alarm systems come to mind. Sometimes we must unlock intangible things like the many mysteries of life, the inmost feelings of our heart, even the sublime teachings of the Church.
As people of faith, do we let the love of Jesus unlock the many doors of our lives? Is Jesus Christ the only key to our heart?
Or as Pete Townshed continues: I have the only key to your heart; try today, you’ll find the way; let my love open the door!
Today’s Gospel from the Gospel of Matthew comes with a pop quiz; don’t you just love pop quizzes? I didn’t think so. Imagine the disciples surprise as Jesus posses the question: who do people say I am? And then the more specific: but who do you say I am?
Only St. Peter replies: You are the Christ; the Son of the living God! Good St. Peter did not yet know this based on his own knowledge or wisdom. This was a beautiful gift, given to Peter directly by the Father. For flesh and bone has not revealed this to you, but my heavenly Father! It is Peter’s confession of faith in Jesus Christ that is the solid foundation upon which the Church is built, and continues to be built up in love. And Peter’s confession in faith is the full truth about Jesus the Son and it continues even now in the Magisterium; the Holy Father and all the Bishops in union with the Vicar of Christ.
This Scripture is declared by the Church to understand that Jesus founded a Church and left a visible head on earth to lead the Church. That visible head is Peter and the 265 successors of Peter over these past 2000 years to this day and the papacy of Francis.
To doubt this fact would be to give in to the assault on this Scripture to disprove a revealed truth from God. Critics of the office of Vicar of Christ, the Pope, point to the use of the Greek petros as opposed to petra. Petros they claim is a weaker rock while petra is a feminine noun in Greek. To all this I say; so what; fake exegesis! Jesus did not speak Greek when he offered these words recorded in Scripture. Jesus declared Peter Cepha; rock in Aramaic. And he took the disciples to Caesarea Philippi for this confession of faith. This town was built on the largest, most magnificent and invincible rock in the entire region. Jesus knows what He is doing.
But wasn’t Peter fallible? Is this not Peter the coward of the courtyard, did he not sound foolish at the Transfiguration, will we not hear in next week’s Gospel; get behind me Satan, did he not sink on the water?
Is it also true that Peter was the only Apostle to get out of the boat, the only Apostle to follow Jesus after his arrest and the only Apostle to declare Jesus as the Christ, the Son of the living God? Peter is given to us by Christ as an example. For we too can be frail, we too can be weak and we too can fall and sink! Yet we too, like Peter, can be strong when we trust in Him. We too can get out of the boat, we can rise and not sink when we remain focused on Christ and we can take great joy in Christ’s Church which he founded on this confession of St. Peter.
And let’s not forget the keys. Jesus tells Peter I give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven. It is as if Jesus is making Peter the prime minister of His kingdom. Keys were the symbol of authority and power in the world of Jesus’ day. These keys are handed to one man, St. Peter given to him by Christ Himself. And this is followed by the commandment that whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven; loosed on earth, loosed in Heaven. Jesus’ authority lies with the Church; through Peter and his successors.
The keys handed to Peter challenge all of us gathered here today to turn to Jesus through His one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church to unlock our hearts and grow closer to God. No matter the problem; Jesus, through His Church unlocks the door. And never believe that a problem is greater than the solution. I’ve been away from confession too long; let His love be the key to open the door. My marriage is not blessed or I need an annulment; let His love be the key to open the door. I still struggle with addiction or sin; let His love be the key to open the door. I am afraid or lonely; let His love be the key to open the door. I simply can’t follow this teaching or that teaching of the Church; let His love be the key to open the door. Whatever the problem; what ever the challenge; how overwhelming it may be; do not be afraid; with great joy, turn to Jesus Christ through His Church, through Peter and the Magisterium. Even in these challenges times of 2020, cling to Christ and cling to His Church. And may we be the sharers in this mission when we encounter those who struggle. May we bring them to the key; Jesus Christ and His Church. Invite someone to experience the joy and relief of His love unlocking that door which holds them back.
These lyrics from Pete Townshend are still too spot on: release yourself from misery, there’s only one thing gonna set you free; that’s my love! And a few verses later: love can cure your problems you’re so lucky I’m around!
And He still is around; and He will never leave us. And He is still around in His Holy Catholic Church, which He promises all us that the gates of hell shall not prevail against her.
Let His love open the door to your heart; that’s the only key we need!
Thanks Deacon Mike! Good one. I miss hearing your voice deliver it though. Glad you are well!