The death of George Floyd is indeed a very sad tragedy. We pray for his eternal rest in God’s kingdom and consolation for his family and friends.
Mr. Floyd’s death reminds us that we are called to believe in the dignity of each person because each person is created by God. This belief leads to respecting every individual, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation or any other difference.
In the Gospel, there is no room for racism, violence or hatred.
What makes this tragedy even more unconscionable is that a law enforcement officer, who has pledged to protect and to serve, is the person who took Mr. Floyd’s life. No matter who we are or what power we have, Jesus calls us to a deep, abiding respect of every person.
If there are protests, we plead for peaceful nonviolent protests. In several cities, some have protested against violence but used violence to do it. That does not show respect for the dignity of other people or their property. Revenge should never be a part of our lives; yet, at the same time, we are necessarily angered and saddened by what has taken place in Minneapolis.
This is an opportunity for us to give thanks to God and affirm our law enforcement in New Orleans and throughout our state. Obviously, our law enforcement training through the NOPD and through law enforcement agencies in other cities and parishes, as well as the state police, upholds the dignity of each person and the treatment of each individual in a nonviolent way.
Likewise, our protests usually are peaceful and nonviolent. That is the right thing to do, and, perhaps, we can be an example to other cities and states.
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