Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Three very important observations

1.  All of a sudden the discussions seem to include anticipatory talk of flattening the curve, a slow down in some of the "numbers" and a more hopeful tone to a return to normal.  Tell that to the thousands suffering and recovering from Coronavirus and the many, still too many announced as deceased this very day, and the "numbers" of dead to come.  None of the victims of Coronavirus are just "numbers". And the numbers are always way too high if it happens to your family or friends.  You get my point despite the awkward attempt to say this:  not the time to stop any and all preventative measures including staying home, wearing masks and extreme social distancing.  Even if we begin to flatten the curve we still have a long way to go to comedown from the peak and back to normal.  Stay focused on beating this thing, stay focused on staying alive, stay focus on not being the one who infects grandma and grandpa.

2.  I'm a banker by profession.  The need and demand for this SBA loan for payroll protection is the likes of which I have never seen.  And the portrayal by the media, politicians and others that this is a quick and easy, piece of cake process is pure bunk.  Demand alone is overwhelming.  The number of forms needed to complete and the substantiating documentation is not insignificant.  With that said, it's far from impossible.  I started this at my bank in earnest Monday morning; I got my first approval today, Wednesday.  We are making progress and there is nothing, absolutely nothing lacking in the efforts of your local banker.  Just be aware they are overwhelmed, trying their best and dealing with quite a lot these days.  Also, if you have a CPA, tax accountant, business lawyer, consult them.  Great idea.  And make sure you take the time to know what is best for you, the PPP loan, focused on payroll costs or the EIDL, focused on recovering from economic injury.

3.  Church; as in my Catholic Church.  By now everyone knows we will not be worshipping physically together for the Triduum, for Easter Sunday, and that is disappointing to many, downright sad for others.  This is not time to be gathered together inside the church building infecting one another.  Incredible efforts have been and will be made by many parishes, Priests, staff, etc. to live stream Mass or other video options.  Make a special effort in your home to gather at any published times your particular parish will present Mass.  In New Orleans we can watch the Mass from the Cathedral now on our local NBC station as well as public TV, WLAE.  Speaking of your parish, even my parish, keep your demands and questions to a minimum of your Pastor, check out the website.  Do not have any expectation of Father coming to your house to offer a mass for you and your family.  This can't happen and I've explained why several times before.  Finally, please don't forget the collection basket.  Parish still has bills to pay, payroll to make and much, much more.  Explore the various ways you can give electronically/online.

Thanks for considering my observations tonight!

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