Thursday, April 2, 2020

It's information overload

Sometimes I just want to scream: STOP!  But, it's all ok.  The information is on constant overload.  As a banker so much information about all the loan protocols from SBA, even though we still have more questions than answers.  Almost every existing loan client needs deferred payments, again we are helping but the information bogs down processes.  Then we have the daily briefings; the President, the Governor, the local leaders; I can hardly keep up with the information, the numbers, the heartbreak of it all.  Of course all of this is necessary and well intended but it just bombards the senses.

We have information coming at us constantly even at church.  How will we handle Palm Sunday, the Triduum, Easter Sunday?  Will we do this or have that?  What about blessing my house, my palms, some salt, the water?  Again, all well intentioned.

So let shed some light on all of the above.  For SBA loan programs, rely on your best banker.  Give them time because they are overwhelmed.  Also, you can go to the SBA website and see the various links.  Remember, no two banks or bankers are going to be exactly the same; be flexible and patient and more importantly be prepared.  Yes, you still need to gather up information so use this time to do so while we await full roll-out of the program.

Personally, I'm a news nerd.  I love breaking news, press conferences, all of that stuff.  I can tolerate some of what has happened relative to this pandemic crisis.  If you find that everything about this gives you anxiety, stress or worse, back away from the constant cycle of 24 hour news.  Remember, every live press conference can be summarized in shorter form later in the day or the evening.  Concentrate, if possible, on any good news shared, those who are indeed recovering, any small victories even if they be across the world or on the other side of the country.  And continue to focus on our own personal responsibility and do our part to slow this monster down.

Our church, like many others, especially among my Catholic family, have gotten very good at social media, live-streams, text messages and other forms of prudent and safe communication.  Our parish, St. Jane de Chantal, has published the plans for live-stream or video offerings of all the important liturgies beginning with First Friday tomorrow, thru Palm Sunday, followed by the Triduum and the glory of the Resurrection on Easter Sunday.  All of your Catholic parishes are doing similar things and our non-Catholic friends are well onboard as well.  Again for my Catholic friends, quit bombarding and pestering Father for everything.  Let the parish communicate to you, to all of us.  And quit asking Father to break the rules, no he can't sneak a bunch of you in the church at once, no, he should not be asked to come and do a private Mass at your home, no, he can't necessarily change his schedule because we have no idea how many balls are being juggled.  Stand firm, be strong, pray hard, watch all that you can and pray for your clergy during this difficult time.

It stands to reason that we indeed have information overload through these days of crisis, quarantine and separation.  How we handle all of this, how we react depends on us.  We can do what we have to do, we can be part of the solution and not part of the problem.

Tonight I have options to watch another daily Mass, catch evening prayer, pray the Rosary.  And maybe before or after all that I'll catch up on some reading about SBA loans, stimulus and other financial things.  And then I will lay down my head and embrace prayer, thanking God for the gift of this day and relying on the hope promised for tomorrow.

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