Saturday, April 11, 2020

It is very Catholic to...

1. Stay home and do your thing from home; make your home a true domestic church.
2. Fully participate in every possible live stream offering: daily Mass, Sunday Mass, other devotions being offered.
3. If you must go to church for private prayer, make sure the church is sparsely populated, keep very safe distances from anyone else, disinfect the area you used before leaving with wipes, Lysol, etc.
4. To pray from home for others impacted directly by Covid-19 and all the sick.
5. To pray for all those who have died from Covid-19 and all the faithful departed.
6. To respect all governmental mandates relative to this crisis, respect all ecclesial authority and that includes your parish Pastor, priests and deacons when necessary.
7. Frequently pray the Spiritual Communion and accept, with holy humility, why we cannot physically receive Jesus in Holy Communion.
8. Not make demands on the Church through your Pastor or the Bishops, well intentioned but foolhardy demands like parking lot masses, drive by communion or private masses in parishioners homes.
9. Pray for your local parish, her leaders, the church at large.
10. Unite yourself to the prayer intentions of the Holy Father.
11. Fast; fast and pray.
12. Give alms, give support to great causes and remember to keep supporting your parish.
13. Support any family, friends, neighbors who might be in need.
14. Stay away as best you can from one another.
15. Ask Jesus to forgive our sins, grant us mercy and peace.
16. Pray frequently the Act of Contrition.
17. Simply be obedient and prudent in this time of pandemic crisis.
18. Use your space on social media to demonstrate your faith and to be uplifting.
19. See in any hardship or inconvenience our sharing in the Cross of Christ.
20. Wash your hands frequently, wear a mask, continue social distancing, stay home as much as possible, keep praying and be faithful, always faithful!

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