Thursday, March 5, 2020

Options during this season of flu and all the uncertainty of Coronavirus (and when we are aware of mortal sin)

Much has been said about taking various precautions concerning receiving Holy Communion during this time of well publicized and very real serious illness.  The most common precaution has been the suspending of communion from the cup.  This is prudent and very common-sensical.  First, Catholics may need to be reminded that they already receive the Precious Blood of Jesus, along with His Precious Body, and His Soul & Divinity too every time they receive the Sacred Host.  That precious Sacred Host is indeed "all Jesus" not "partial Jesus".  Catholics need to hear this from the ambo, in various teaching opportunities and in various bulletins, websites, etc.  Here may be a bit of breaking news: you can go to Mass at many places, our Cathedral in New Orleans, St. Peter's at the Vatican, and not be offered the cup.  Large Masses with the Pope held in public places and sports venues do not include the cup for the many attending the Mass.  Withholding Communion from the Cup denies no one anything and is incredibly prudent in times of community illnesses.

Another decision that has been suggested and in some cases implemented is mandating Communion be received in the hand only and not on the tongue.  Well this one is much more problematic, Canon Law tells us that a persons desire to receive on the tongue should not be suppressed.  If there are instances where a priest, deacon or EMHC touches the tongue of the communicant, it is because we normally do not allow them to kneel.  It is a much different dynamic placing our precious Lord in the Host on a tongue while one is kneeling compared to one standing.

While all this talk has been precipitated by the Coronavirus this should be an incredible teaching moment about receiving the Eucharist worthily.  By worthily I mean an awareness by the communicant of no mortal sin and in a state of grace.  St. Paul tells us that receiving Jesus unworthily can lead to, well, to damnation and disease(emphasis on dis).  Read 1 Corinthians 11: 27-29.  Why do we not stress and teach this with the same gusto as we teach about precautions from flu and things like Coronavirus.  The disease/damnation St. Paul speaks of is deadly, in terms of separation from God.

One last thing.  While frequent Communion is awesome and spiritually efficacious, it is not required every time you go to Mass.  In fact as Catholics we MUST receive Communion only once a year.  We all probably agree that we should receive Communion much more than once, but once is the requirement.  If you find yourself at Mass and all of a sudden you feel bad, your nose is running, etc. then don't go to Communion.  In fact, if you are sick, don't go to Mass.  If you are concerned that the Priest, Deacon or EMHC looks rough or may contaminate you, then don't go to Communion.  This is always an option for all of us.

What we can do if we miss Mass or cannot go to Holy Communion is participate in a Spiritual Communion.  Here is a great example of a beautiful prayer to make a good Spiritual Communion:

Here is a prayer to make a Spiritual Communion.
My Jesus,
I believe that you are truly present
in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
I love You above all things
and I desire to possess You within my soul.
Since I am unable at this moment
to receive You sacramentally,
come at least spiritually into my heart.
I embrace You as being already there,
and unite myself wholly to You.
Never permit me to be separated from You.    Amen.

So this is an option for all of us, not just because we are concerned about illnesses, but when we discern we are in need of a good confession; remember St. Paul's words. 

And keep praying and use this time to deep in expanding your knowledge of the Eucharist and authentic Church teachings and traditions.

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