Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Happy birthday to, well, to me!

Today I celebrated my 63rd birthday.  A low-key birthday as I was required to be at work all day.  I was greeted early this morning by happy birthday wishes from my children, my wife and then off to work.  My staff had a birthday cake awaiting; nice.  I received dozens upon dozens of facebook birthday greetings and other emails and text messages. I want to thank all of you for taking the time to do this; throughout the day it was quite the lift.

This evening I received a beautiful video message from Brennan, just 2 days shy of her 2nd birthday.  It was cute as could be.  Then my NC grands got on Skype and we had a great visit.  They were well coached as they knew my age.  What a great evening topped off by a wonderful homemade meal and gifts from Wendy.  We have celebrated birthdays together for 48 years, 43 as husband & wife.

My birthday almost always falls in Lent, every now and then it's a Mardi Gras birthday.  Every birthday these days is a great reminder that we live to serve Him and to be happy in this life with an eye to be happy in the life to come.

Again, thanks one and all for the many blessings, prayers and wishes on my 63rd birthday!

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