Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Pope Francis prays for those with Coronavirus

General Audience © Zenit/María Langarica

During General Audience, Pope Prays for Those With Coronavirus

Also Prays for Those Working to Help Cure Patients & to Help Stop Its Spread

Pope Francis has expressed his closeness to all those ill with Coronavirus and to all those working to help them and stop the contagion from further spreading.
The Holy Father did so today, Ash Wednesday, during his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, Feb. 26, 2020, toward its conclusion.
‘I wish to again express my closeness to those ill with Coronavirus,” Francis said.
The Holy Father also expressed this closeness “to the healthcare workers working to cure them, as well as to the civil authorities and everyone working to assist patients and stop the contagion.’

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