Saturday, February 22, 2020

Nope, I do not go "dark" for Lent on social media

As Lent approaches every year I watch as friend after friend announces they are going dark for Lent on FB, Twitter, and more.  I shudder.  Now I must admit that if it is a must do for one's own spiritual journey in Lent, I can't argue.  I shudder though because the last thing we need is to withdraw from the public witness of our faith.  Again, I get the personal side of this, but many of you post enriching things that helps a brother Catholic along the way.  I shudder at the garbage, already on social media, as it dominates while many of us go on retreat.

No such going dark for me.  I love my updates; saints of the day, feast day, what's happening with the Pope and Church Universal, or the local Archdiocese, or all things related to the Deacon.  I will probably post homilies, mission updates and so much more.

So see y'all on FB, Twitter and this very blog as we look forward to all the wonderful blessings and special graces of Lent, 2020!

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