Thursday, January 16, 2020

Thursday morning Papal Preaching

© Vatican Media

Pope’s Morning Homily: God Is Moved By Even the Littlest Prayers

Reminds That God Came to Be Close to Us, Beside Us, & Often Turns Simple Prayers Into ‘Miraculous Ones’

Even by the littlest prayers, God is moved.
According to Vatican News, Pope Francis suggested this during his daily morning Mass at Casa Santa Marta, today, Jan. 16, as he reflected on today’s Gospel when a leper went to Jesus and said, “Lord, if you will, you will make me clean.”
Recalling today’s Gospel, the Pope highlighted how Jesus did not come to earth, to preach a few sermons and then wash His hands of us sinners.
Instead, Francis pointed out, he came precisely because he wishes to stay close to us, and is truly beside us, all of us, even the greatest sinners, who ask His compassion, in deep prayer.
“His compassion,” the Pope said, “will take upon itself our problems, our sins, our interior diseases.”
Like the leper, in simple prayer, we must demonstrate from the heart, an act of confidence in Jesus to help us, entrusting ourselves to Him humbly. In his immeasurable compassion, Francis says, the Lords suffers “with and for us.” When we sincerely call upon Him, it is sort of “a challenge,” the Pontiff said, reminding He takes upon Himself the suffering of others, comforts them, and heals them, in the Father’s name.
If You Will…..
When Jesus is presented in prayer, “If you will…,” like the leper, the Holy Father says it “gets God’s attention,” but also “is an act of confidence: I know that He can do it, and so I entrust myself to Him.”
Compassion from Jesus, comes from the heart, and leads Him to resolve and heal another’s suffering. In fact, Francis observed, this demonstration of compassion was Jesus’ mission. He reminded that the love of Jesus is so great that compassion led Him precisely to the Cross, to give His life.
Jesus remains, even at this moment, at our sides, Francis reminded, adding we therefore should not hesitate to humbly beseech Him.
“’Lord, if you will, you can heal me’; ‘if you will, you can forgive me’; ‘if you will, you can help me.’” Or, if you want, [you can make it] a little longer: ‘Lord, I am a sinner, have mercy on me, have compassion on me.'”
The Pope pointed out that one can make a simple prayer many times a day.
“Lord, I, a sinner, ask you: have mercy on me”. Many times a day, inwardly, from the heart, without saying it out loud: ‘Lord, if you will, you can; if you will, you can. Have compassion on me.’Repeat this.”
Simple Prayer, Becomes a Miraculous One…
When we do this, like the leper, the simple prayer often becomes a “miraculous prayer,” thanks to the compassion of Jesus, who loves us despite our sinfulness.
“He is not ashamed of us. “O Father, I am a sinner, how can I say this?…” [This is] better! For He came precisely for us sinners, and the greater a sinner you are, the closer the Lord is to you, for He has come for you, the greatest sinner; for me, the greatest sinner; for all of us.
“Let us make a habit of repeating this prayer, always,” he continued: “’Lord, if you will it, you can do it. If you will it, you can do it’”, with confidence that the Lord is close to us; and with His compassion, He will take upon Himself our problems, our sins, our inner diseases, everything.”
Pope Francis concluded, inviting faithful to repeat this prayer and know that Jesus will take care of the rest…

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