Monday, January 13, 2020

The Pope Emeritus and an outstanding faithful Cardinal write book defending priestly celibacy

From the Depths of Our Hearts -- Via Ignatius Press

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI & Cardinal Sarah Write Book on Priestly Celibacy

Theologians Co-Author ‘From the Depths of Our Hearts’, Published in English by Ignatius Press

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI  and Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, have coauthored a book on priestly celibacy.
The release of “From the Depths of Our Hearts,” published originally in French by Fayard and in English by Ignatius Press, is already available for preorder, and ships on Feb. 20.
According to a press release from Ignatius, the book takes a serious look at the crisis in the Catholic Church and it pinpoints the heart of the turmoil — priestly ministry.
“The priesthood is going through a dark time,” writes Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, along with his co-author, Cardinal Robert Sarah. “Wounded by the revelation of so many scandals, disconcerted by the constant questioning of their consecrated celibacy, many priests are tempted by the thought of giving up and abandoning everything.”
Responding to calls for refashioning the priesthood, including by some during the Amazonian Synod, the two theologians explain the biblical and spiritual role of the priesthood, celibacy and genuine priestly ministry.
Drawing on Vatican II, they present priestly celibacy as more than “a mere precept of ecclesiastical law.” They insist that renewal of the Church is bound to a renewed understanding of priestly vocation as sharing in Jesus’ priestly identity as Bridegroom of the Church.
According to the release, they affirm that optional celibacy for priests is not actually optional for an authentic priesthood.
Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah give their brother priests and the whole Church a message of hope, as they address the spiritual challenges faced by priests today, including struggles of celibacy.
Moreover, they explain that a deeper conversion to Jesus Christ is the key to faithful and fruitful priestly ministry and church reform.
This book is intended not just for clergy and laity, but hopes to be a sort a catalyst for renewal and restoration for a hurting Church.
“Their book is not just about priestly celibacy, important as that is in itself,” says Ignatius Press founder and editor Father Joseph Fessio. “It is about, as Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI describes it in his first paragraph: ‘the lasting crisis that the priesthood has been going through for many years.’ But it is about more than that; it is about the nature of the Church and of Christian discipleship. This is a book that all should read. It is powerful and personal — from the depths of their hearts.”

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