Friday, December 13, 2019

Impeachment: exposing the moral decay of politics in America

This morning the House Judiciary Committee advanced two articles of impeachment against President Donald J Trump.  The vote was purely party line with every single Democrat voting in favor and every single Republican voting against.  On this committee and the Intelligence Committee not only was all voting partisan, every comment was extremely partisan.  There was no "seek to understand" or any appeals to fact finding, there was only partisan bickering with every Democrat obviously hating on the President and every Republican defending the President.  Expanding this to the country as a whole, there is an air of cheering on impeachment by those who hate the President and a growing and even more passionate defense of the President by those who like this President.

The dialogue between Democrats and Republicans often became contentious, full of bickering and grumbling and occasionally resulting in name calling and lots of accusations of lying.  Clearly, based on the verbal statements of all the committee members, two sides could not see an issue more dramatically opposed.  I guess that is politics.

Impeachment of President Trump only became possible because in 2018 the Democrats were able to claim victory in the mid-term elections.  Had they been defeated, no such impeachment would be playing out before the American people.  Elections do have consequences.  This is a very similar situation when Clinton was impeached as the Republicans finally rested control of Congress.  Incredibly, if you count Nixon, we now have the 4th impeachment situation with 3 of them coming in the last 43 years; 43 out of 230 years of our nation having a President.  Why is this important?  Going forward almost every President who serves with both houses controlled by the other party is exposed to impeachment.

Ironically, as the House Judiciary Committee is voting to impeach the President, the President is having one heck of a week in the areas of why I think he was elected in the first place.  The economy could not be more red hot.  Unemployment at a 50 year low, economic indicators all in the right places, the stock market at record levels over 28,000 points, announcement of a new trade deal with Canada and Mexico and just now another announcement very favorable to our economy regarding China and tariffs.  From a Catholic point of view, or said differently, from a Pro-Life point of view, there has never been a more favorable President standing against abortion and Planned Parenthood than this President.  Of course not everyone is Pro-Life, so those who thirst for the blood and slaughter of babies don't like this so for this and other reasons they hate him.  President Trump is certainly no angel, haters find it easy to hate because he speaks tough, some say he bullies, and his tweets certainly divide.  On balance, it appears very obvious to most, not all, that this is a strongly partisan political impeachment.

All of this contributes to the moral decay of America.  America continues to turn away from God and all things that should focus on the bigger picture.  At then end of our lives there is really only two choices.  If we sincerely believe this we would live our lives with the goal of heaven in front of us.  If we don't or we just don't care, than we live our lives as if anything goes and we decline in morality.

So now we watch as the entire House will take up the vote on impeachment, the vote will pass on purely party lines and President Trump will be indeed impeached.  His trial will proceed to the Senate, where also on party lines, he will be acquitted.  At the end of this process the President remains the President and perhaps, like what happened to President Clinton, he emerges even stronger, even more dangerous to the next Democratic nominee.

And the name calling will continue, the hate will be still evident and the tweets will keep coming.  Hopefully, the nation survives because she tends to be resilient at times but people of faith and goodwill will need to lead us back from this moral decay.

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