Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Promoting the work of catechesis in the Archdiocese of New Orleans

Catechetical Sunday celebrated Sept. 15
Sept. 15, 2019
To: Clergy, Religious and Laity of the Archdiocese of New Orleans
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ:
Next Sunday, Sept. 15,  throughout the Catholic Church, we will celebrate Catechetical Sunday with the theme of “Stay with Us.”
This is a special observance in each parish as we pray for and ask God’s blessings upon all those who share in the important work of catechesis and Christian formation.
Those who share in this ministry are our catechists in the Parish School of Religion, the administrators and teachers in our Catholic schools, youth ministers and those who are involved in the ministry of RCIA. Please join me in thanking them for not only giving of themselves in a generous way to provide religious education and formation for our youth and adults, but also pray that God will continue to bless them and inspire them in their ministry. They give of themselves in a generous way to help others open their hearts to Christ. Furthermore, their example of faith is one that can be a source of inspiration to us.
Join me in praying for students, parents and families on this Catechetical Sunday. We are reminded that parents are the primary teachers of their children in faith, and we pray for them that they will joyfully fulfill this vocation. I invite parents involved to continue this involvement in the education and Christian formation of their children.
Parents, they need you, your support, and they need your example of living out your faith. You are a powerful witness to your child.
Please know of my deep appreciation and prayer of thanksgiving for all of you who share in this important ministry of catechesis and Christian formation.
Wishing you God’s blessings, and with the assurance of my prayers, I am
Gratefully in Christ,
Most Rev. Gregory M. Aymond
Archbishop of New Orleans

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