Sunday, September 22, 2019

My Homily for 25th Sunday in OT delivered Sept. 21st and 22nd

The Rolling Stones told us you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime you find: you get what you need.

As people of faith do we know the difference?

In the context of today’s Gospel message what we want vs. what we need can be examined by how well we serve the world (want) vs. how well we serve God (need).  Indeed we are in the world, but as Catholics we are not of the world!

Jesus was never shy about being blunt so He tells us clearly: no servant can serve two masters.  There is no third alternative, no bargaining.  Jesus goes on to tell us: we either serve God or we will serve someone or something else; you cannot serve both God & mammon.

What is mammon?  The definition of mammon is the evil influence and false object of worship and devotion pertaining to money, riches, and wealth.  Milton, the famous poet says mammon is the devil of covetousness.  Of course we are taught, in the 10 Commandments, not to covet!
If we live for the world, we live selfishly and contribute to a culture of selfishness; worshiping money but also power, pride, privilege and perk.  If we live for God, we serve Him, and our fellow man and extend His kingdom of justice, mercy and love.  One way offers death; the other offers eternal life.  Two choices; we either serve God or we serve mammon.

For the Christian, mammon can also be a failure to not fully utilize the gifts given to us by God, for His glory and service to one another.  One of the greatest gifts given to us gathered here today is the gift of our faith; the fullness of truth that resides in Holy Mother Church.  Therefore, it stands to reason that if we are to fully serve God then we embrace this gift and use it and never abandon or ignore it, especially to the point of turning our backs on God and serving mammon.

Sometimes we witness this in a very public way.  A politician, who proudly claims to be Catholic states publicly that he supports so called same-sex marriage and believes the Church will get with it one day and change Her unchangeable teachings.  Mr. Politician: you cannot serve two masters, you will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.

Another prominent politician who proudly claims to be Catholic proudly states he is personally opposed to abortion but for political means and personal gain is proudly Pro-choice and a supporter of Planned Parenthood.  Mr. Politician: you cannot serve two masters, you will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.

A quick word about the evil of abortion; sometime during the latter half of August, the 60th million abortion was performed in these United States of America.  Abortion, the murder of innocent life, performed 60 million times with the full protection and support of the laws of this nation, often times supported by many Christian, including some Catholic, politicians.  As a Catholic in good faith we cannot say we honor God if we do not steadfastly oppose abortion.  We too cannot serve two masters, you will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.

As mentioned earlier, the gift of our faith requires not only our complete belief but the ability to spread and share that faith with others, particularly those who persist in either disobedience or ignorance.  For us, that means being able to faithfully and patiently defend the faith.  Yet, as a minister of the Church, I hear all too often, that which with we are willing to look away or disobey ourselves.  Catholics, the survey says, believe in the Real Presence of the Eucharist at a rate of 30%.  That means 70% of self-identified Catholics do not believe that Holy Communion is the body, blood, soul and divinity of Jesus.  Hey, we cannot serve two masters.  Catholics tell me, and elsewhere, that they see nothing wrong with same-sex marriage, or voting for who I want despite the opposition to Church teaching; again, we cannot serve two masters.  Who needs marriage, we can just live together, don’t tell me chemical contraception is wrong; I will do what I want, there is a man outside starving to death, I will give him something to eat, provided he has a green card, take every criminal and lock them up and throw away the key, goodness I don’t like this Pope, or that Bishop one is too liberal the other too conservative.  We cannot serve two masters, you will either hate one or love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.  Which will it be?

Our God is not the money and wealth we have or the money and wealth we desire; it is not our careers, hobbies, electronics, unhealthy devotion to a pop star or a football team or politicians or the opinions of CNN or Fox News.  Our God is an awesome, life-giving, merciful and just God who gave us His Son who left us a Church with all her teachings based on the fullness of truth.  Who will we follow?

The Rolling Stones said it this way: you can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometime you get what you need.  Jesus said it this way: no servant can serve two masters; we cannot serve God and mammon.

Serve God!

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