Thursday, September 26, 2019

Just be prepared, trust the Holy Spirit, take care of yourself

When the opportunity arrives to be of service to God and the people of God you naturally want to say yes.  They told us in formation you better say no once in awhile or you risk physical burnout.  I get it.  Ordained now some 11 years I have to understand that I am 11 years older.  Those who know me personally would tell you I am also battling a bum knee that will soon be replaced.  Also, I am one of many deacons still gainfully employed in this world and my banker's job does demand I be present in my office and community about 40 hours a week(it almost always seems to be a little more than 40).

Yet I cherish the opportunities to minister charity and service to the Church and the people of God.  This past weekend was the monthly opportunity the deacons are allowed to preach at the parish.  My preaching put me in front of our Saturday afternoon congregation at our mission church, Sunday morning I took 8 am(yep, that's early on a Sunday) and finally 6 pm(our last chance Mass which means no watching the end of the exciting Saints game).  I do enjoy preaching and believe it is something we should do well, trusting in the Holy Spirit to guide the words used so as to deliver what God wants and not our own desires.

Monday I was busy preparing documents for an upcoming wedding I will be witnessing then I found myself preparing a homily for some upcoming Communion Services.  Tuesday morning I was happy to step in at a parish in the community where I work to offer a Communion Service.  This week all of our Priests are in a 3 day Convocation so where Deacons are they offer Communion Services.  Tuesday night I facilitated the 3rd session of our current Bible Study, this time we are in the letter of James.  Wednesday night it was turn to be at Rayburn Prison where 120 men showed up for worship.  We conduct a Communion Service and pray and fellowship with the inmates.  This morning I am ready for another Communion Service at St. Jane.  After this I will give a blessing at the KC Golf Tournament and tonight I will be at the KC 4th degree meeting.

Yep, that's busy but I felt that the Holy Spirit was guiding me in a manner to make all of this happen.  Trust Him.  Wendy helps me get through weeks like this, I take my time(thanks to the bum knee) and I make sure I have time to properly care for self and get my job done.  All of this is truly a blessing!

And then still I am compelled to remind everyone that for the Permanent Deacon it's still who we are and not what we do that makes this all possible.  Be prepared, trust the Holy Spirit and take care of yourself.

Deo Gratias

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