Monday, April 8, 2019

So Deacon, what's going on?

Great question.  And yes it has been a long time since I've personally blogged with reflections or just updates.  So this will be more of an update variety for the most part.  I'm doing pretty good this year adjusted to the changes that come with spring like daylight savings time and the long haul of humidity and heat.  But guess what?  We have actually had very springtime weather late March/early April but the times they are a changing.  Looks like the weather is on the verge of transitioning more to early summer than spring but that's very normal for the deep south.  As far as DST goes, tired of making my point.  I still believe we just don't need daylight all hours of the night at the expense of the mornings especially when kids are in school.

Wendy and I are absolutely loving time spent with our youngest grandchild Ms. Brennan.  Brennan's family is settling in to their new home which is so very close to my work and only 35 minutes from our house.  I got to spend my lunch break from work today with Wendy and Brennan; so much fun!  And thank goodness my NC family still allows us to Skype with Calvin and Katelyn every weekend, our last session just yesterday afternoon.

Lent is almost over, 5 weeks now and we are all preparing for Palm Sunday and then Holy Week, Triduum, Easter.  Really does feel like we just arrived at Ash Wednesday the other day.  This Lent I have tried a few new things; mixed results I must admit but I so very much love that I have offered the Stations of the Cross every Friday this Lent.  I always couple this beautiful prayer with some fellowship time and good food at the KC Friday Fish Fry dinners.  We have also been working through the Scrutinies with our elect as we prepare for new Baptisms and professions of faith from the candidates.  Love the sheer number of folks who accept the call of coming home to Holy Mother Church at Easter time and the solid preparation they receive especially during Lent.

So yes the Deacon has been and will be very busy.  This past Friday was not only Stations but it was also Benediction.  Saturday brought an all day men's day of reflection for my KC brothers that I was happy and honored to present.  We used the beautiful grounds of our St. Michael's Mission and had several presentations I prepared on good daily habits for Catholic men, did a session on the Simple Path by Mother Teresa, prayed the Stations of the Cross, had some personal, quiet time, enjoyed a great lunch together, a session on forgiveness and mercy, an examination of conscience and Adoration followed by Benediction.  Then on Saturday night Wendy and I met up with several Deacon friends, and better halves, to enjoy a fundraiser gala for Right to Life and a local Catholic parish in the community where I work.  A great night indeed!  And of course Sunday brings Deacon duties at Mass.

This week I am so looking forward to our 2nd to last Bible study in Revelation, a rare Wednesday daytime off so I can attend the local Deanery meeting with our special guest speaker, Archbishop Aymond, then it's off to prison for ministry night(we will read the readings for Palm Sunday) and then Thursday night I have two events; a RCIA meeting and a KC meeting.  I hope to complete a work event Friday evening in time to again present Stations of the Cross.  And then soon enough it will be Holy Week and Triduum and Easter and yes, that is busy.  Of course it is so much more than busy, it's actually incredibly spiritually fulfilling to be so intimately involved in all the many events of this special Holy Season and wonderful holy days.

So as I look forward well into April and then May I'll be cutting grass a lot more, feeling the heat and humidity a lot more and lamenting the long hot summer.  But, I plan to take it as it comes and to enjoy this time, to use my ministry to serve God by serving others and just keep on trying to grow in holiness!

So now you know what is going on!

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