Friday, February 8, 2019

Surviving the loss of Google +

Several years ago on this blog readership spiked when blogger allowed us to link to Google +.  Incredibly Google announced recently no more Google + claiming it was incredibly under used.  And just earlier this week Google + deactivated the ability to link any story posted to blogger.  And the results are noticeable.  Just based off of this week alone it appears I'm down about 150-200 readers per day.

This is something I do not know how to fix; in other words how do I find another venue for my blog?  My stories and updates are posted to my abitadeacon Facebook page and to a much less used Twitter account.

For now, as in the past when faced with challenges, is just keep posting and trying to find solutions.  Does anyone know another venue to replace Google + ?

Stay tuned and keep reading!

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