Tuesday, January 1, 2019

New Years Day almost over but so much to look forward to

January 1st is almost over although I would love to watch the entire Sugar Bowl; only one problem: game starts way to late.  Even though many view this evening as the end of the holiday season, it is not, and even if it were, there is still so much to look forward to!

First of all January is one of my favorite months of the year; it can get cold here, but usually it's not that bad.  After I return to work tomorrow I can look forward to our St. Jane staff Christmas Party to be held Thursday night at one of the best restaurants over here on the Northshore of New Orleans.  Come Friday we have our normal 1st Friday devotion that includes all day Adoration and evening Benediction, which I often preside at.  The weekend at church brings the Feast of the Epiphany, a great celebration of the Christmas season!  And the Epiphany in New Orleans also means Kings Day ushering in the 1st day of the Carnival Season and the delicious King cake.  See, so much to look forward to.

Next week begins a Bible Study that I am very excited about as our adult program tackles the Book of Revelation.

You know I've learned over and over again, and sometimes I need reminders, that it is what you make of it.  The end of the secular idea of Christmas doesn't have to be the end of Christmas or the end of enjoyable times.  Every day is meant to be lived and indeed celebrated.  It is a gift from God.  Mondays aren't bad, besides you need them to arrive at the Fridays of life.  I like January, you may like July, the good news is we need them both to fully live life.

I return to work tomorrow and soon my decorations return to the attic.  It's all good; there is so much to look forward to.  And don't forget to give God all the credit; give Him your praise and thanks!

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