Thursday, December 27, 2018

December 26th is no time to "take it easy"

For many people December 26th may bring crazy shopping opportunities, some go back to work and others take the day off and relax.  For me it's never a day where we just relax and now two traditions often collide with one another.  So when we can make them both work together, it's a win/win!

December 26th first and foremost is Wendy's birthday.  I first thought this was cool when we dated as teenagers but Wendy said all too often a birthday that close to Christmas meant no party or the dreaded "combination" gift.  As we got married I vowed that we would always celebrate her birthday separate from Christmas, in one way or another.

As my days of diaconate vocation came into play we would find out that December 26th, which is also the Feast Day of St. Stephen, is a big deal in the Archdiocese of New Orleans.  When I received my letter from Archbishop Hughes that I was accepted to the program of formation I was told to report to St. Stephen's Church in New Orleans for the annual Mass celebrating Deacons(St Stephen is the very 1st deacon as described in the Acts of the Apostles).  Wendy and I eagerly attended this first official event and was quite impressed with the long line of deacons processing in for mass.  I was hooked; Wendy reminded me the 26th is still her birthday.

Over the years we compromised, sometimes I attended the celebration by myself, sometimes Wendy came with me and sometimes I would miss the event to do something special for her birthday.  Over time I did start to realize that while attendance at the Mass was impressive, it was far from 100%.  In other words, for a good reason, deacons sometimes did not attend.  So anytime I missed to more fully celebrate Wendy's birthday, so be it.

Then comes yesterday and the perfect blend of celebrating both Wendy's birthday and good St. Stephen.  Now this celebration at St. Stephen's would include some acknowledgement of my entire formation class, me included, for reaching the milestone of our 10th anniversary in sacramental service to the church.  I told Wendy that I really needed to go.  At the time of that first announcement little did I know that we would soon be losing Wendy's mom.  Not long after her funeral, I realized that on the 26th, Wendy often did things with her mom and sister to celebrate Wendy's birth.  So what was I going to do to make sure that Wendy could be with me all day even though I also believed that I must be at my 10 year recognition.

I made it work.  First I made sure that Wendy and her sister were not planning anything then I made reservations for a late lunch in the same uptown New Orleans neighborhood as the church we use for the evenings Mass.  First, I woke early on the 26th and had my separate birthday presents and card set up on the kitchen bar as I slipped off to 8 am mass at St. Janes where I was scheduled to preach.  After returning Wendy opened gifts, we started to get ready and off we went.  First I took Wendy shopping at her favorite fabric store(she is a talented seamstress) and then we headed to New Orleans.  Our destination was Pascals Manale, a great New Orleans eatery famous for their BBQ shrimp.  The place did not disappoint; excellent food, wonderful service, a few cocktails and a nice lunch date for me and the birthday girl.  By the way, I now can highly recommend the place, it's easy to find and they have ample parking off street.  When we left we went mansion viewing as the area near-by is home to the well-heeled of New Orleans and some of the finest homes and mansions anywhere.  Ah but to dream.

We were very early for Mass, renewed many acquaintances, vested, participated in the Mass and were recognized for our anniversary.  After Mass we have a nice reception but of course Wendy and I were kind of full!

So for me, and I hope for Wendy, it was a perfect December 26th; a great celebration of my diaconate service on the Feast of Stephen and a grand birthday celebration of Wendy's birth!

Now on to more Christmas week celebrations; today we are going to the movies.

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