Sunday, November 25, 2018

Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King of the Universe

For what were we born?  What purpose?

Turning to music and entertainment we might think we are born to be a star, born to ride, born to love, born to die, born to win, and then what maybe best describes me: born to be wild!

If we look back at the old Baltimore Catechism, a staple in Catholic homes for generations, we might get a hint:  Why did God make me?  To know, love and serve Him in this world and be happy with Him forever in Heaven?

As people of faith, we are born to worship Christ, the King of the Universe and hopefully, the King and center of our lives!

So we may ask the question, why are we in November, with Advent and Christmas next up on the Church calendar, so why are we hearing the dialogue between Jesus and Pilate, right before the trial and Crucifixion?  Why is this Feast celebrated now?

Well it wasn't always in November but was moved to place it at the end of one liturgical year and before the beginning of another liturgical year.  This celebration was given to us in 1925 by Pope Pius XI and was needed as an anti-dote to out of control secularism; a problem then and a problem today.  And now, we have the problem of relativism and to complicate matters, problems of church scandal, world problems, national problems, uncivilized politics.  This Feast must be a reminder that despite it all, we can turn to, rely on and beg for the assistance and mercy of Christ the King.  And even if we have personal problems to deal with, we can go to our King, Christ the King.

Pope Pius XI, in his encyclical instituting this Feast, Quas Primas, made the following main points:
Christ is God, Christ is Redeemer, Christ is the Head of the Church and furthermore the Church has rights to freedom and immunity from the state.  All nations must respect Christ and the Church and the faithful should gain strength and courage from the reign of Christ the King.

Pius goes on to tell us that His Kingdom is for all peoples, His kingdom is Universal, His Kingdom is eternal and His Kingdom is spiritual.

That Christ is the King of the Universe may be debatable by some, to their own peril, but for us there must be no debate; Christ is our King and is King of our lives, our hearts and our soul.

I want my life to be that welcoming throne for Christ the King to make a home; a home in the center of my heart.

And we can rely on our own Baptism to help us in this goal as we too, like Christ our King, are anointed Priest, Prophet and King.  We share in His Kingly mission!

No matter what life brings, no matter if we be but in the springtime of our life or have already entered our own winter, Jesus Christ you are our King!!  If life is smooth sailing or rough seas await, Jesus Christ you are our King!!  No matter if we be happy and content, or may be sad, dejected, even grieving or in pain, Jesus Christ you are our King!!  If we are healthy or sick, Jesus Christ you are our King!!

For this I was born, for this I have come into the world; to worship Jesus Christ as King of the Universe and King and center of my life!  Why?  Because I want to know you, love you and serve you here, in this life, and be happy forever in heaven in the life to come!!

Amen!  Alleluia!!

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