Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Arriving to celebrate with our NC family and then difficult news from home

I'm doing this on the blog so I can link it to my facebook and twitter accounts.  Wendy and I made it to our North Carolina family this afternoon; had a great visit and dinner with the gang and talked to Calvin about how excited we are that he will be 6 years old.  I posted a great picture of both Calvin & Katelyn listening intently to Nona reading them a book.  Glad we are here and I hope we can stay.

So a complication arises today as Wendy's mom, who has been doing so much better this past week and a half, was brought back to the hospital through the ER.  Things all day have gone from bad to worse.  She is in pain again and a MRI reveals some abscesses in the stomach, potentially from her recent gall bladder surgery.  Bad enough she also is having BP issues and there is fluid in the lungs along with poor CO2 readings.  My oh my has this been a difficult ordeal for her mom since June 2nd.

Thankfully a family friend and our daughter Elizabeth have responded today to be with Lynn as she endures her now 5th hospitalization since June.  And for us wanting only to rejoice in this 4 day visit with our grandchildren now have the uncertainty of this latest hospitalization and the fear and concern Wendy now must deal with from over 800 miles away.

Will we get to stay through Saturday and the big 6th birthday party for Calvin or will we be heading south, returning home, to manage this latest scare?  Time will tell.  Tomorrow is Calvin's actual birthday and while he has school, we have planned a big day with Katelyn before our little pizza party tomorrow night for the birthday boy.  Yet tomorrow could bring surgery for Wendy's mom and the resulting impacts and recovery.

We are praying for wisdom.

And of course we are praying for Lynn in this latest detour in a now 96 day odyssey.

All prayers are welcome and all I can do is evaluate and wait.

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