Saturday, May 19, 2018

Are you kidding me? The call to serve can never be taken lightly

I ask, are you kidding me because I do not know how or why I have been so incredibly blessed in my ministry as a Permanent Deacon.  The call to serve can never be taken lightly and being able/capable to serve is pure gift from God.

My ministry has always been full and robust for almost 10 years now and every now and again, well more now and again than I realize, you have those really incredibly special moments among many special moments.  I recall the 1st time I actually baptized a new Christian, the first wedding, the incredibly touching funeral mass for two stillborn babies, the many moments at Rayburn prison that just wow me, being selected to offer the Gospel at the ordination of the Permanent Deacons in 2012, the first time assisting Archbishop Hughes, then Archbishop Aymond, not to mention those more intimate masses on Saturday morning in Abita Springs, assisting the much loved Archbishop Hannan, of happy, happy memory.  And I could go on and on.

Much like the wedding of my daughter and her new husband now over 2 years ago, where I was able to preach and fully assist the Mass, today was incredible as now they brought their new baby, my granddaughter, to the church for Baptism.  And for the first time in my life, I, as a member of the clergy of Holy Mother Church, baptized a grandchild.  Brennan Leigh was baptized today and her "Pops" poured the water, said the words and anointed her with oil.  What a moment, what a holy privilege.  Tell me if I was not one happy "Pops" and Deacon today:

Image may contain: 2 people, including Mike Talbot, people smiling, people standing

So we did what all families do after such a joyous event; we took a ton of pictures and we went to Mark's family for a feast.  And then the event was past and I continue to be about ministry.  After a short period of time to rest, I was off for one of our vigil Masses to not only assist, but to preach.  Yes this week, with my own grandbaby's Baptism approaching, I prepared not one but two Pentecost homilies; why?  Because we use a different Gospel reading for Pentecost vigil and Pentecost day.

Now comes Sunday and I will be assisting and preaching at two Masses and in between, another Baptism at 2 in the afternoon.  And somewhere in between, a Communion call to a homebound parishioner.  See for the Deacon, it's our gift to be present, to offer our yes, when we can and as often as we can without adversely impacting health, family and even career responsibilities and requirements.

I love saying yes, although I have learned to temper that some as health things change over time and I am getting a little older.  But as I asked in the beginning, are you kidding me?  As Scripture reminds us: it was not I who chose Him, it was Him who chose me.  I often reflect on why was I chosen by God for this ministry in His one, true, holy and apostolic church.  Yet He did, and so I love to respond, and my life has been incredibly, richly blessed ever since.

And when those incredible special days/moments come along, like today, I can only worship Him in awe and thank Him for such an incredible blessing.

Are you kidding me?  Well, for my part. I will never take this call, this Sacrament to serve, lightly.

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