Sunday, March 6, 2016

Pope Francis invokes Mother Teresa's intercession for the 4 murdered nuns in today's Angelus

‘Mother Teresa, Accompany Your Martyr Daughters in Heaven’
After Angelus, Pope Decries Murder of Missionaries of Charity in Yemen
Pope Francis pray the angelus Sunday 14 june 2015
Pope Francis has prayed for Mother Teresa to accompany in Heaven the four Missionaries of Charity murdered in Yemen.
Following his Angelus address today at noon to the faithful in St. Peter’s Square, he said, “I express my closeness to the Missionaries of Charity for the great loss that has affected them two days ago with the killing of four sisters in Aden, Yemen, where they were assisting the elderly.”
Friday morning, four of Mother Teresa’s nuns were killed by gunmen in a raid on a care home for the elderly. Two of the nuns murdered were Rwandan, one was Indian and the fourth was Kenyan.
According to Associate Press, 16 people were killed, including the driver and at least two other community helpers.
“I pray for them, for the other people killed in the attack, and for their family members,” the Pope said.
Pope Francis concluded, praying, “May Mother Teresa accompany her martyr daughters of charity in Heaven, and intercede for peace and sacred respect for human life.”
Blessed Teresa will be made a canonized saint this September.
On ZENIT’s Web page:
4 Missionaries of Charity, Other Helpers Killed in Yemen:

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