Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Extrordinary Mass at St. Jane's in Abita Springs is doing very well

I got to attend my second EF Mass today at St. Jane's; the first full Mass I have been able to attend since the EF returned to our parish the first week of Advent.  I hope to highlight some of the things I have learned or think will be helpful to share.  First let me say that the EF Mass, which takes place every Sunday at noon, is very healthy.  Attendance seems to be well over 200 and has hit 300 over the course of the 7-8 weeks since it's return.  The worship remains sublime with an outstanding choir, incredible altar servers and the dedicated effort of our pastor Fr. Ken Allen.  In addition to Fr. Ken, several other area priests have volunteered to help with the EF Mass and are equally dedicated.

Since my last article let me share a few random thoughts.  Although I knew this, attending Mass in the EF reminds you that this Mass follows the 1962 Missal, that means it also follows the calendar attached to that Missal.  Today the EF Mass celebrated the Holy Family, something celebrated in the Ordinary Form a few weeks ago.  The celebration of the Holy Family is part of the Epiphany, which in the EF was celebrated on January 6th.  Today in the OF we celebrated the baptism of the Lord; in the EF that will be January 13th.  For Catholics who attend both forms of the Mass, a practice highly recommended by Pope Benedict XVI when he promulgated Summorum Pontificum, one should keep abreast of the "ordo" of both the OF and the EF.

On a personal level, as ordained clergy, I have been practicing the formula for the words that must be spoken at the distribution of Holy Communion.  At some of the EF Masses at St. Jane, the Presider has been assisted by another Priest, including our Parochial Vicar, Fr. Kevin Delerno.  I was prepared today to assist Fr. Ken but was happy to see Fr. Kevin ready to help.  Naively, since we simply say "Body of Christ" in the OF Mass, I assumed we said Corpus Christi in the EF.  Indeed not!  Here are the actual words said by the Priest, and a Deacon when assisting, in distributing Holy Communion to the faithful:


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