Sunday, January 3, 2016

The 2015 New Orleans Saints; what could have been

The season mercifully came to an end today but at least it ended in spectacular fashion with a 20-17 victory over the Atlanta FAILCANTS.  In fact, for beleaguered Saints fans, most of us will count the two victories over Atlanta and throw in that win against the Dallas COWGIRLIES as something to savor while we once again wait 'til next year.

I like the way the Saints finished 2015.  At 5-9 it looked like a given that the Saints were headed to the first 10 loss season in the history of the Sean Payton era.  They responded to this end of year challenge with an impressive win against a hapless Jacksonville team and then this stunning victory against those dirty birds. 

I hope someone agrees with me that in a year of much more disappointment than joy, did the Saints running game look any better than these last few weeks with the likes of Tim Hightower and Travaris Cadet in the backfield?  Yes, Mark Ingram did have some impressive games but there was just something about the way these two NFL cast-offs played at the end that was the best of a bad overall running attack in 2015.  I also hope someone will agree with me that this number 16, Brandon Coleman turned out to be a much better receiver than thought and look like a more than capable replacement for Marques Colston who sadly we all know is about to go away.  Tell me that the Saints offense would still be potent when your three best receivers are Willie Snead, Brandon Coleman and #1 draft pick Brandon Cooks and I would have laughed, yes I would have laughed!  I hope someone will agree with me that we did not really suffer like we thought we would suffer with the Jimmy Graham trade.  First of all Ben Watson was a stud this year at TE and the two backups were more than effective.  And before we forget, the Center we acquired from Seattle, Max Unger, might be the most underrated player on the entire Saints squad.

I hope someone will agree with me that the Saints still have a bad defense and they have to get better.  Overall, the D-line was bad and just could not get to the passer.  All season long 3rd down was child's play for opposing offenses.  The D-backs as a group were bad and because of the investment in both Byrd and Browner, a complete bust.  The hope rests with the unexpected very good play of Delvin Breaux.  Overall, I liked the coverage of the DB's better with a bunch of back-ups this week and last than I did the starters who generally disappointed. There are some bright lights in two rookie LB's one of which I can't possibly spell his name but he wears #44 and the #1 pick Anthony.

At 7-9 the Saints might look back with remorse on the two very close calls vs. Carolina, a legitimate Super Bowl contender, the first Tampa Bay game, the lackluster sleep walking performance against Tennessee and lets throw in that disappointment just a few weeks ago against bad Detroit.  Of course the Saints got their rear ends handed to them a few times this year as I think about the losses to Philadelphia, Washington, Houston and I will include the opener against Arizona in that mix.

So the only change we know for sure is Rob Ryan is gone but bigger, tougher questions remain.  Does the head coach, Sean Payton stay?  Should he?  Do Saints fans want him to stay?  If he stays will he work hard to make real important changes?  Will he be more flexible and less hard headed?  If he stays does he truly understand where the problems are among assistant coaches and player personnel?  What about front office hero turned goat Mickey Loomis?  After all, Loomis helped build the winner that claimed a Super Bowl and several seasons of elite football, but this same Loomis has the Saints in long-term salary cap hell.  Should he stay?  Do Saints fans want him to stay?  Don't forget, most of his drafts lately have been a bust too.  Is there a need to totally restructure the front office?  Does Loomis need to stay but perhaps have less power?  And the big question I ask with respect and total sincerity, does Tom Benson have any idea what is going on?  I sure hope so!

The Saints need some help to build on back to back 7-9 seasons.  This division is much better.  Carolina is the cream of the crop and Tampa Bay is improving.  Atlanta can be good but ultimately they just keep living up to their name FAILCANTS.

So I hope and sincerely want things to work out for the Saints over this offseason so we see a competitive product on the field in 2016.  I want to compete for the playoffs again and believe the Saints can/will win!  A couple of things I will be looking for in 2016:

1.  Payton stays but makes big, positive changes on coaching staff.
2.  A whole new D coordinator, not Denis Allen.
3.  Big time cast-offs of mediocre, money sucking no goods like Browner, Byrd and Spiller.
4.  This one absolutely MUST happen: Drew Brees re-works his contract.
5.  Some big time, responsible free agent pick-ups for the D(if we can afford them)
6.  A better more professional approach to the NFL draft that focuses on impact in the 1st round!

So all a Saints fan can do from today going forward is sit back and watch.  No matter what 2016 brings, if it appears there is not commitment to change and we keep fielding 7-9 records, things will start to change.  Fans, for the most part, have not yet grown that weary.  Strangely I for one fail to understand the love affair mentality in 2016 because we won a Super Bowl in 2010; hell that's 6 years ago.  Give us the kind of changes necessary to make the Saints competitive again!

One thing I always cling to though and maybe this is symptomatic of the fan issue mentioned above, the Saints won a Super Bowl, the FAILCANTS have FAILED to and CANT claim a Super Bowl win.  And there are a few other NFL franchises that wish they had at least one as well.  But 6 years is getting old, I need to see changes.  Just do it!  Geaux Saints!!

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