Friday, January 22, 2016

Day 15 explores Divine Tradition

Day #15: What about sacred (divine) Tradition?

What is Divine Tradition? Divine Tradition is the unwritten word of God – that is, truths revealed by God, though not written in the Bible, and given to the Church through word of mouth by Jesus Christ or by the apostles under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

Has Divine Tradition ever been committed to writing? Divine Tradition has been committed to writing, especially by saintly writers called Fathers, who lived in the early centuries but were not inspired, as were those who wrote the Bible.

Has Divine Tradition the same force as the Bible? Yes; Divine Tradition has the same force as the Bible, since it too contains God's revelation to men.

By what kind of act do we believe the doctrines contained in the Bible and in Divine Tradition? We believe the doctrines contained in the Bible and Divine Tradition by an act of divine faith, which means that we accept them on the authority of God, who can neither deceive nor be deceived.

[further reading: CCC 74-83]

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