Sunday, January 17, 2016

Another awesome weekend for the abitadeacon

Back to back phenomenal weekends in service to the people of God; what more could I ask for.  Saturday I drove across the lake to be with about 115 brother Deacons for a 6 hour seminar about better preaching!  This is part of our required commitment to take so many hours of continuing education every year.  The seminar was presented by Fr. David Caron who happens to be a Dominican, also known as the Order of Preachers(OP).  It was an awesome seminar and gave all of us plenty to work with as we strive to preach God's Word!  A really nice part of yesterday's gathering was just being together with so many great servants for the Church.  I was able to see old friends, many of my classmates and others that I have mentored over the years.  It truly was an inspiration and informative day.

After having a rare Saturday night with no liturgical duties I was able to get some sleep so I could be at church a little past 7:30 this morning.  First up, the 8 AM Mass at St. Jane's.  This is one of the new time slots since our change in late November and it appears for now to be the toughest Mass to get the folks to attend.  While our 10 AM and 6 PM are usually packed, this one not so much.  Still, wherever two or more are gathered!  Like last weekend, when I was finished at my assigned and home parish, I drove back to my previously assigned parish, Most Holy Trinity, and asked to vest and assist at 11 AM Mass.  They happily obliged.  For me, it was a chance to pay my respects to the facility that has housed MHT for many years and the only worship space I knew in my 4 and half years there as one of the MHT Permanent Deacons.  Starting next week MHT will move into the new church that has been going up for the past year.  I am thrilled that MHT has asked me to play a role in the dedication Mass next weekend.  Once again, seeing old friends and great parishioners at MHT was very nice.  Even my wife drove to MHT as she knew why I really "had" to be there today.

I can honestly say as a Permanent Deacon I have truly had the best of "all" worlds.  First of all, I absolutely love my assignment as a Chaplain at Rayburn Correctional and the prison ministry assigned to me by the Archbishop.  I can not imagine not being assigned to Rayburn and working with the men who worship God with us in our Catholic community.  Next, I absolutely love being an assigned Deacon at my home parish.  St. Jane de Chantal of Abita Springs is a special place; an incredible community of faith.  St. Jane's has been my home since 1996 and this parish not only sponsored me when I began diaconate formation, they supported me in more ways than one.  It was hard when I had to leave them in 2011 and incredibly joyful when I returned this past July.  But there is another story too.  When any clergy is asked to leave and be reassigned it is always a challenge.  When I arrived at Most Holy Trinity in 2011 little did I know what another incredible blessing this would be for me.  My transition to my new parish was made easy by finding in place a warm, welcoming community rooted in faith and great service projects to bring Christ's mission to everyone.  By the time I was called to leave MHT and return home, I must admit, it was more difficult than I thought.  MHT has truly become home and family for me in a unique and special way.  It was an honor to serve this parish and I am equally honored to be with them for the Mass of dedication next weekend. 

So rejoicing in my opportunities this weekend at both St. Jane's and MHT, I am incredibly satisfied and content on this Sunday night.  And I am looking forward to another great week of ministry and service as well!

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