Sunday, September 27, 2015

Pope's visit to America exposes the polarization of Catholicism; and it's not his fault, this is all on us. Instead, be a Catholic of great hope and joy!

I guess it took a while for me to realize that Catholicism, like politics, has a far-right.  And to be fair, it also has a far-left.  I am going to assume, in the interest of all Christian charity that both groups, at their very core, love the Church, love and worship God, truly believe that Jesus is their Savior and with the Holy Spirit, believe in the Holy Trinity.  Much like Pope Francis declared earlier this week on his plane between Cuba and America, both groups can recite the Creed, and for the most part, live the Creed too.

The problem with the far-right and the far-left is that both groups tend to be insufferable.  Let me focus for a few moments on the far-right.  Some of these folks have hijacked the term traditionalist, with the true meaning of that term, for them, being we are more Catholic than you.  Of late, this group of Catholics has their collective rosaries in a knot because of Pope Francis and their undying belief that his election, and the resignation of Pope Benedict is some left-wing conspiracy.  So public is their belief in this that they easily fall sway to those "disturbed" who now claim they orchestrated a Catholic coup.  And as they are all so willing to let this play out in the media, both Catholic and secular, they help announce to the world, the heck with the Holy Spirit, obviously because the conclave produced a Pope not like me, He must not be in control.  This is dangerous.

You know even Pope Benedict saw the dangers in his motu proprio concerning the restoration of the celebration of the Mass according to the 1962 missal of Pope John XXIII.  The good Pope, warned over and over again not to divide over his decision, encouraging Catholics to see the equal dignity of both rites of the Mass, he praised the Novus Ordo and in no way did he want his decision to be seen as any kind of roll back to Vatican II.  Don't believe me, read it yourself:

The problems today of the far-right far exceed what rite of the Mass they choose to attend to worship God in liturgy and fulfill their obligation to attend Mass.  However for many who follow the restored rite and despite the Pope's words and warnings, go attend one of the Masses that is sponsored by a so-called Latin Mass society.  I will be careful here, some, not all, notice I say some, will willing share with any guest, any visitor that this Mass is far superior to the Novus Ordo, in direct contradiction to the words of good Pope Benedict.  Furthermore, hang out for awhile and go back a few times to get your full dose of the evils of Vatican Council II or the anti-Christ antics of Pope Francis and even Pope John Paul II, a Saint no less!

This visit to the United States of America by Pope Francis, the legitimately elected successor to Saint Peter has been met in most circles with great joy and enthusiasm.  Throughout this past week the Pope has inspired a people, encouraged fellow Catholics and undoubtedly will help increase the number of folks who will one day become Catholic and increase the number of men who will finally hear with clarity God's call to a life of vocational service in Holy Orders.  These things will happen.  The Pope has brought hope to many hurting, marginalized folks.  The Pope has addressed many of the realities of Catholic life in the western world and once again has not in any way shape or form changed one iota of any Catholic doctrine, dogma or teaching.  Now, with all of that said, take a spin and peruse the far-right Catholic blogs, commentators and even the folks at Fox News.  What's so disturbing over at Fox News is the ones calling for the head of Pope Francis on a platter are the journalists who proudly declare I'm a Catholic. 

The screed against Pope Francis by the ilk of George Will, Judge Napolitano, and Brian Kilmeade, to name but a few, should be roundly rejected by all Catholics.  If you are Catholic, why would you take joy in the attacks against your Pope?  Some have.  Read if your are strong enough blogs like Rorate Caeli, an absolute joyless blog that sees the Catholic Church in most curious ways.  Take a look yourself, don't rely on my own words.  Look, I will be as blunt as I can be here, I do not relish anything that you might consider as me calling out other Catholics; I get that.  Like I say in the beginning of this piece, folks like those at this blog and those hyper critical of this post are, like me and you, trying to work out our salvation on our journeys to Heaven.  But the far-right, or whatever label can be placed on those who currently are so insufferable, need metanoia; as do all of us.  Watch a couple of Michael Voris videos also for full effect, although lately, even he has called out some far-right groups.  Maybe there is hope!

There is much to mistrust about the far-left too and perhaps some of these beliefs from that side have helped form this dangerous far-right.  Far-left Catholicism that calls endlessly for things like abortion is ok, euthanizing elderly makes sense, what's the big deal about women's ordination, marriage, divorce, remarriage, no big deal and so-called gay marriage is cool; all of this kind of stuff is wrong and violates not only Catholic teaching, much of it violates God's divine, natural and positive laws.  Clear and simple, many far-left ideals are nothing short of nutty.  But because certain forums give a venue for this sort of thing, now we have a far-right that sees sinners as the enemy, has no message of true repentance that leads to hope and joy and turns it's efforts in on itself.

For me, and the dozens and dozens of Catholics I have interacted with this week are over joyed at the Pope's visit and their Catholic reality.  What are we scared of?  If this is the Church founded by Jesus Christ and spoken about in Holy Scripture, even a Pope that you or I may not like or even agree with all the time, cannot possibly take it down.  Here is an announcement to one and all, far-left and far-right included, the gates of hell will not prevail against her!!!  Calling a Synod is not going to take it down, whether a Pope says the word "abortion" once or at all in a speech to the American Congress won't take it down, whether a couple of priests pulled out a camera phone at the beginning of Mass or not won't take it down.  And neither will attending a Novus Ordo Mass or a Traditional Latin Mass.  Go to either Mass and go with great joy, having nothing but love and charity and mercy for others, even those who do not agree with you!

Whatever you think you are as a Catholic, try being Catholic.  Relish the fact that you are a "member" of a Church family that numbers 1.25 billion worldwide, that offers worship to God in liturgy every day of the week, at every hour of the day, in every land and nation, time zone and continent, across the face of the globe as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.  Come on, there is good news here at that good news is Jesus Christ! 

Take it from a guy who once turned his back on his Catholic Church and this rich amazing faith that today both saves and sustains me; we don't have enough time to carp against one another, against a particular cleric, against a particular Church. I fell away from practicing my faith roughly between 1982-1994.  These were the hey days of the pontificate of Pope John Paul II and the ministry of Mother Teresa.  What the heck was wrong with me?  More importantly, what the heck called me back?  For me, a move to a small warm welcoming community, to start our lives over, to start a new career, brought me to a town with a beautiful Catholic Church right square in the center of town.  I still called myself Catholic, loved the faith, I just did not see the need to participate.  I entered that Church one day and all melted.  I returned to Mass and to Confession and we got our daughter involved in CCD and now here I am, a minister in His one, holy, Catholic Church.  I want everybody to be Catholic, I want everybody that is Catholic to love all that the Catholic Church is.  In a family this big, we are bound to have groups and sub-groups, those who lean left, middle or right both culturally and politically.  Let us at least treat each other in love and charity, let's when needed, admonish the sinner with mercy and let's quit acting all high and mighty. 

Perhaps one day the Church may not be as polarized as it is today; then again, that's probably not going to happen.  In the meantime, I will endure the countless stories about clown masses, women's ordination, how this Bishop is too left and that Bishop is too right, how Pope Francis did this or Pope Francis did that.  I will endure them because I am a Catholic; and I, like you, love my Catholic faith.  Here is an idea this week as you deal with all this foolishness; pray fervently, love unconditionally, serve others and seek not to be served, wash someone's feet this week, and live life with the joy and the hope that Jesus desires us to live!

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