Sunday, July 12, 2015

Two weeks in; my return to St. Jane's in Abita Springs

I stood in front of my Most Holy Trinity family 2 weekends ago and said goodbye, telling them that my move back home is made easy by simply being obedient to the wishes of my Archbishop.  And it certainly has been easy based on the warm, incredible reception I have had.

The official date of my assignment was July 1st, a middle of the week kind of day, that for me was taken up with all the busy-ness of work, end of the quarter reports and a sales meeting 45 miles away from home.  By the time the weekend would roll around, it was time to begin the process of the long re-introduction to my own home parish.  In nearly 5 years, I was stunned at how much my home parish had both changed and grown.  Sure, there were more than plenty of folks who remembered me, and I them, but there were plenty of new faces too.  I begin the process on this 4th of July weekend with assisting and preaching at 3 Masses spread out over 24 hours.  I was on tap for our vigil Mass, which is one of the latest vigils in the entire Archdiocese, Saturday evening at 6 PM.  With that Mass under my belt, I was now at ease as the congregation welcomed me back enthusiastically.  I spent what seemed like such a long time outside church after Mass, greeting old friends and making some new ones too.  I was a little more comfortable as I returned Sunday morning to attend the 1st Sunday of the month donut & coffee social that takes place as soon as the 9 AM Mass is complete.  This was a wonderful opportunity to visit with many old and new parishioners but I could not stay long; I had the 11 AM Mass to prepare for.  Again, the response after my 2nd preaching assignment was very warm and friendly.  My last assigned Mass for the weekend was our classic last chance Sunday evening Mass, another late in the day happening at 6 PM too.  This made for a long evening as I was kept outside greeting and meeting parishioners to almost 7:30PM.  Yet, as the weekend was ending and the new work week about to begin, I knew that now I was totally home; back in the parish I 1st joined way back in 1996. 

Nothing gets you back in the groove with parish ministry like working the various organizations and programs in place.  I was invited by the RCIA director to attend an upcoming planning meeting and discussed with our PSR director some dates and ways I could assist her in preparing our children for various big events.  On Thursday evening I was back with our KC Council #12529, and was given an opportunity to lead prayers for a deceased wife of a brother Knight while also praying for a brother about to face major surgery.

On Saturday I had two major events; I presided at my 1st Baptism at St. Jane's since being officially back home.  And it was very special as it was a Baptism for the newest grandchild of a long time parish family and long time personal friends.  My goodness, when I first met the daddy of our newly baptized he could only have been like 6 or 7 years old.  And it was a beautiful Baptism.

In the afternoon, I ventured about 16 miles east and north of Abita Springs and St. Jane's Church to the town of Bush, LA at the mission church assigned to St. Jane's care.  Here a small church, named for St. Michael the Archangel, has been ministering to Catholics in communities like Bush, Waldheim, Talisheek and Sun, to mention but a few.  I was privileged to preach here on this Saturday and assisted alongside brother Deacon Don Bourgeois, fighting a valiant battle against some serious health issues.  It was great to be with him again doing our Deacon thing and then given a chance to catch-up after Mass.

Today I was at the 9 AM Mass and here I assisted and preached too.  The circle was complete.  Over the past two weekends, I had the opportunity to be seen by everyone at every Mass.  Now we do have one more Mass at 2 PM every Sunday but this is for our Hispanic community.  While I would love to assist here too, I must admit, I know almost no Spanish and the Gospel must be proclaimed in Spanish.  With time, who knows.

So in the week ahead I will be attending a few more ministry meetings, begin some planning for some future initiatives and preparing to assist at the 3rd weekend round of Masses since my return to St. Jane's.

Yes, I miss my family that became so close to me at Most Holy Trinity but I'm thrilled to be back with my home family at St. Jane de Chantal and St. Michael's Mission.  And I am pleased to be serving the people of God as my Archbishop has assigned! 

To God be all the Glory!

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