GRENADA, Miss. -- In a letter to the board of supervisors, Grenada County Circuit Clerk Linda Barnette announced her resignation on Tuesday, citing the Supreme Court's decision to legalize same-sex marriage.
Barnette has been the circuit clerk for 24 years, and announced that her resignation is effective immediately.
"The Supreme Court's decision violates my core values as a Christian," she wrote. "My final authority is the Bible. I cannot in all good conscience issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples under my name because the Bible clearly teaches that homosexuality is contrary to God's plan and purpose for marriage and family."
Barnette has not yet been available to take phone calls.
"I want to thank the citizens of Grenada County for giving me the honor of serving as their circuit clerk," she wrote.
Aquaintances said Barnette's husband is a pastor who worked with Billy Graham Ministries for many years.
"I choose to obey God rather than man," Barnette wrote.
Grenada County voter Lue Harbin said she is disappointed in Barnette's decision. She said she has voted for Barnette in every election since she got out of the Army in 2001.
"I was kind of shocked, I don't know her personally but I never thought she was that way," Harbin said. "She's given marriage licenses to people who have committed adultery and stolen and lied, and when their parents haven't approved... it's just crazy the way she's thinking. That's her job and she's not there to judge people."
In other counties, the battle continues.
Jim Perry of Mendenhall and his longtime partner went to the Simpson County Circuit Clerk's office Tuesday morning to apply for a marriage license on the couple's 14th anniversary. After first being told by an employee that issuing such licenses was against the office's religious beliefs, Circuit Clerk Steve Womack then told the couple the office didn't have the correct paperwork to issue a license.
An employee of the office who didn't give her name to Perry told the couple that it was "against their religion and they're not going to issue them out of that office," said Perry, who works in the circulation department at The Clarion-Ledger.
"I said 'Well, I'm a Christian,' and she said, 'Oh, I guess you are, and my circuit clerk said it's against our religious beliefs,'" Perry described.
"He (Womack) said, 'I wish y'all the best of luck, but I can't help y'all here,'" Perry continued.
When reached by cell phone on Tuesday, Womack answered. After the reporter identified herself, the line disconnected. Womack did not return an additional call and text.
In Jones County, Circuit Clerk Bart Gavin said same-sex marriage licenses were not being issued on Tuesday. He said he and a group of "concerned circuit clerks" will be in Jackson on Wednesday to meet with the Attorney General for clarification on some of the issues facing the circuit clerks' offices.
"The stay hasn't been lifted, so we don't know if we marry someone, will it be valid down the line if they want to get a divorce, or if one of them passes away and that's when they find out the marriage wasn't valid," Gavin said.
"We need to know what forms to use, how are we to do it, what laws to follow, what to do if they're under 18, where are we on all this? We're just clerks, we don't make decisions of law. The mandate hasn't even been given by the Supreme Court to go forward."