My Facebook page is all blown up over Cecil. They tell me it's like the worlds #1 trending topic on Twitter or Yahoo or anything else that measures such things. Among the most outraged of course is the Hollywood elite and the absolute loon tunes that make up the far, far left. Of course, as I've already said, this is not a good thing and of course is outrageous. But guess what world? So are other things outrageous that just don't draw the same reaction, both in volume and passion. Here is but a few:
58 million babies have been murdered in the USA alone since 1973. That indeed is a million with a M! Across the globe, the number is in the 6-digit millions. OUTRAGEOUS!
Across the world today, yes, even in this country, for all you "homers" out there, millions of families are decimated by poverty, unjust legal action, a complete and total disregard for natural law, and children are now normal if they come from a broken home, are abused or go to sleep tonight in pain from hunger and malnutrition. OUTRAGEOUS!
Christians, and of course other innocents as well, are being slaughtered everyday still, across the middle east from the atrocities visited upon them from ISIS or ISIL or whatever the hell they are and the Taliban and other thugs like crazy and we watch and yawn. OUTRAGEOUS!
Crime devastates our nation and in some cities, Chicago to name but one, more young people, mostly black, are gunned down in a weekend at rates that reach or exceed the ISIS crap. Even in my home town of New Orleans, not a day goes by that some young person is not murdered. We know it, we just don't care. OUTRAGEOUS!
Small business owners and people of real sincere faith are being labeled as bigots and haters because they love God first and oh by the way, thought they could love God first in a nation because of constitutionally protected freedoms. Uh oh, those freedoms are only protected if you pick the right side or are aligned with the cause du jour of the high handed left. OUTRAGEOUS!
And before I forget and get accused of going after just the left, let me add this too. Just because you may be on the right and you agree and scream and holler about this stuff, if you even do that much, where's the beef? Where are the actions of the right, particularly those empowered either financially or politically, where is the causes and legislation to stop all this outrageousness? This too, to me, is OUTRAGEOUS!
You know sadly, most of those who are flummoxed over the loss of Cecil really don't give a rats end tail about those other things I've listed above. Notice I sad most not all, so if you missed the "most" train, don't come after me.
We are human beings, people made in the image and likeness of God. We can and must do better than all these atrocities, all these affronts to the God who made us and sustains us and loves us and cares for us. And yes, can we quit hunting down the Cecil's too, but can we get our priorities in right order as well?

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