Saturday, April 4, 2015

What is going to happen tonight and tomorrow; be prepared to welcome all!

Easter is practically here; as I write this the great Easter Vigil is on the TV from the Vatican in Rome.  In a few short hours, the Easter Vigil will begin at churches across New Orleans.  Beginning tonight and continuing tomorrow, Easter Sunday, there will be things you may not be expecting.  Let's get ready for it.

What am I talking about?  People, lots and lots of people.  I like to keep facts and stats so I checked them out from last year.  At my assigned parish, MHT, a normal weekend brings 1200 worshippers over 4 masses.  Last Easter we had well in excess of 1800 worshippers.  Church will be crowded.  Be prepared.  And yes, be happy about this.  Sure, your favorite pew might be full, you may even have to squeeze in a bit.  And yes, there will be folks in attendance we don't normally see week after week.  So what!  Welcome them.  Tell them you are thrilled to see them and invite them to come back.  Tell them we would love to see them again!

Many of our guests tonight and tomorrow may not even be Catholic.  Be patient and non-judgmental if they seem a bit lost in the liturgy or they can't quite get when to sit, kneel, stand.  Again, so what!  Show them; be a good witness to the faith and please don't glare or stare. 

Yes many Catholics who do not practice the faith by attending weekly Mass indeed may come out for Easter.  Good!  Indeed we need to help them see the value of embracing their faith more fully, but we won't do that by acting all annoyed that they actually are with us.  No, even if it is just  a few, some may permanently return to the faith from their Easter Vigil/Easter Sunday experience. 

Hopefully, even the Presider at the Easter Masses will give a hearty welcome to all!

The Catholic Church is the Church established by Jesus Christ from the time of his sojourn on this earth, until the end of the age, never to be prevailed upon, even by the gates of hell.  The Catholic Church is the bride to the bridegroom Christ.  The Catholic Church is the body upon which Christ is its head.  Like Christ, the Church welcomes all.  She calls all.  She says come in, come and see.  She invites all to stay awhile; you are welcome.

May we, this Easter weekend, welcome all.  Be prepared!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent words, my brother!! Thank you for sharing them.
