Saturday, April 11, 2015

What is Divine Mercy?

What is the Divine Mercy?

Divine Mercy is an attribute of God and has been a part of salvation history from the beginning of human kind, when God had mercy on Adam and Eve for their sin.  In the psalms we read, "Lord, let your mercy be on us as we place our trust in you." Psalm 33:22.  The ultimate act of God's mercy was Jesus coming among us as one of us and dying for our sins, thus opening the gates of heaven to fallen man.  The Divine Mercy is one of the greatest attributes of God and stems from and is closely associated with the Love of God.

Renewed Devotion to the Divine Mercy

While God's Divine Mercy has always existed, there has been a renewed devotion to it in recent times, thanks to the diary of a simple nun, St. Faustina.  

St. Faustina Kowalska was born in 1905 in Poland.  She entered the Congregation of Our Lady of Mercy when she was almost 20.  

Even before entering the congregation, St. Faustina had visions of the Lord Jesus.  These increased throughout her life and also included visions of the Blessed Mother and other spiritual experiences.  

The primary message that St. Faustina received in her visions was that God is a God of lavish mercy - mercy that greatly and far exceeds our sin - and that the world should turn to and trust in His mercy.

St. Faustina was called the Secretary of Divine Mercy because she was instructed by the Lord to write down her visions, which were intended not for her alone, but for the whole world.

The compilation of her written work is known as Divine Mercy in My Soul or the Diary of St. Faustina.  The diary is available in multiple languages and is responsible for changing many lives - including the start of Divine Mercy Ministries.  Many people, after having read her diary, find the courage to turn to God and ask for forgiveness for their sins and to amend their lives.  Understanding the Divine Mercy of God has lead to a movement within the Catholic Church of people devoted to the Divine Mercy and to spreading its message.


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