Saturday, March 7, 2015

I absolutely hate Daylight Saving Time; my annual rant!

Today is one day I truly dislike for I hate Daylight Saving Time!!  I hate it.  I see no value in it.  I believe it to be selfish.  Time belongs to God yet God left it to man to decide things like hours, days, weeks, even years.  So that man can arbitrarily change time is not that big of a deal.  That man indeed changes time is a big deal.

In these parts of the world, in the south, in the central time zone, the springing forward, already evil because of the hour of sleep I will lose tonight, creates a very dark morning for at least the next six to eight weeks.  Yes mornings too will get very light but not until well into May.  For now, as children march off to bus stops, some as early as the 6 o'clock hour, they will wait in intimidating darkness.  In fact, it will be dark until sometime after 7 a.m.  This is crazy.  Nature, left to it's own devices will gently extend daylight to 7:45 in these parts, much later farther north.  Do I really need daylight until 8:45?  NO! 

With many years of this crazy experiment in the books, scientific evidence has been gathered and it tells us that the fruits of Daylight Saving Time is increased medical afflictions, especially issues related to heart disease, increased sleep disorders and eating disorders, decreased worker productivity, increases in physical altercations, increased automotive accidents, and sadly, increased deaths among children 12 and under from accidents.  Thank you Daylight Saving Time.

So while most of you rejoice in the annual festival of time manipulation, I for one decry it.  But I too will endure it.  It is one of the many things in life to which we shrug our shoulders and say, it is what it is.  For me, I am longing for the day I get my hour sleep back, and we trust nature to control the clock.

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