How did Moses pray?
From Moses we learn that "praying" means "speaking with God". At the burning bush God entered into a real conversation with Moses and gave him an assignment. Moses raised objections and asked questions. Finally God revealed to him his holy name. Just as Moses then came to trust God and enlisted wholeheartedly in his service, so we too should pray and thus go to God's school.
The bible mentions Moses' name 767 timesso central is he as the liberator and lawgiver of the people of Israel. At the same time Moses was also a great intercessor for his people. In prayer he received his commission; from prayer he drew his strength. Moses had an intimate, personal relationship with God: "The Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend" (Ex 33:11a). Before Moses acted or instructed the people, he withdrew to the mountain to pray. Thus he is the original example of contemplative prayer. (YOUCAT question 472)
Dig Deeper: CCC section (2574-2577) and other references here.
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